Page 26 of Hidden Hearts
"Do you even believe that anymore?"
Not as convincing as I'd hoped it would seem. A shaky "It's the truth" bursts free as I tear myself away from his possession before the song ends, retreating to the safety of Louise and Elsie on the sidelines.
Elsie gives me an I told you so look but doesn't utter a word.
Good… Because I’m not prepared to defend myself against her, too.
After Avery runs away, I find Matt chatting up a woman at an empty table. Not caring if I’m messing up his plans for the night, my grumpy ass joins them. If I have to suffer an evening alone, he can, too.
Cutting into their conversation, I ask for an update on any progress he's had tonight. The woman clearly expects Matt to tell me off for interrupting, but he gives me the rundown of his conversations until she leaves in a huff.
"You certainly have a way with women," Matt jokes, staring after the woman’s back before continuing. It sounds like he made some headway with potential clients, which is an encouraging sign. At least this party isn’t a total bust. I don't know what I'd do without his people skills. He’s invaluable to the company.
“So, you’ve said.” Too bad for him, I don’t need to have a way with any woman but Avery.
“If we're done here, I’m going to see if Kyla will give me another shot.”
I nod in farewell and decide to search for Avery one last time before calling it quits. She’s not in the main ballroom, which leaves the extravagant hall and lobby right outside the double doors. Groups linger out here for fresh air and space rather than the extensive balcony on the other side of the ballroom.
None of the groups harbor Avery, however.
Pausing at the edge of the wide hall, my gaze travels over attendees until I spot Avery exiting the lady's room with a few women on her heels.
Before I'm able to figure out how to approach her, she whips around on the women. Slowing my pace, I sidestep into an alcove, intrigued by the pulse of energy radiating from Avery’s stiff body.
Her angered voice reaches me a second later. "That's enough! How dare you judge him, as if you have any right! You might think he's rude or uncouth or whatever, but I don't see how you’re much better. Gossiping in the bathroom like a bunch of middle school girls."
Who are they talking about?
Jealousy blossoms at the thought of Avery defending another man so fiercely.
When there isn’t a rebuttal to Avery's argument, she cocks her head to the side. "That's what I thought. Leave Dominic alone and focus on your own issues." The women scatter, uncomfortable with being called out for their catty behavior, and I stand in awe of Avery's defense of me.
My glorious avenging angel.
She may want to deny it, but Avery has feelings for me. I just have to keep poking at that hard shell she’s built around herself.
My arm wraps around her waist and spins her deeper into the dark alcove as she marches past. Remembering the last time I surprised Avery and the smack to my face, I sidle to the left to avoid a possible hit, but almost immediately, she recognizes me, and her body relaxes, realizing it's safe.
As if I'd ever harm her—or let anyone else.
"I heard you just now. That doesn't sound like the actions of someone who hates me."
Avery avoids my gaze. "I would've done that for anyone. They were being mean."
I shrug. It doesn’t matter if she’d defend someone else the same way, because tonight? It was for me. No one’s ever stood up for me before. Not my few friends. And definitely not my family who basically disowned me the moment I turned eighteen.
"I need to thank you." I lean in and tease the corners of her mouth with my own, brushing them gently back and forth until her lips part with a soft sigh. Her addictive taste floods my senses as my tongue roughly strokes hers, eliciting a sexy moan from her throat.
When we separate for a breath, she whispers, "You're welcome."
"I'm not done yet, firebrand."
Her cloudy eyes widen as my thigh parts her legs and slightly lifts her up so she’s at my mercy. Trailing kisses down her neck, my hand slips under this damn enticing dress until it meets lace panties. Wet lace panties.