Page 32 of Hidden Hearts
“Um, our problem?” She eyes the blindfold warily. “What’s this for?”
“You’ll see. Just trust me. I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”
Avery hesitates then puts the silky mask over her eyes before I guide her to the first part of the plan I’ve been working on every spare moment I’ve had this week.
“Alright, so I know you’re saving for a big move in your life. To start fresh.”
“And it occurred to me that there's an opportunity for you here in Suitor’s Crossing. You don’t need to move.” I untie the blindfold to reveal a desk with her name on it. Instead of using the extra space as storage, I converted it to an office for Avery.
Her gaze bounces between me and the neat desktop waiting for her to sit down and set up shop. “What is this?”
“Your new office.” I release the breath burning a hole in my lungs and explain, “For your interior decorating business.”
“What are you talking about? I don’t know anything about interior decorating.” She tries backing through the office door, but I stop her with a hand to her wrist.
“Of course you do. You designed this whole place. And I’ve already lined up your first client—my friend Todd, the guy who gave me my first shot. He’s part of the reason I chose this town to settle in, and he’s agreed to give you a chance with a small rental that needs staging.”
“Are you serious?” If she were a cartoon character, Avery’s eyes would be popping out in surprise, question marks floating above her head. But I knew it’d be an uphill battle convincing her that this was a risk worth taking. “Does he realize that other than you I’ve never done anything like this before? And a home rental is different from a commercial space.”
“See? You already have a basic understanding of things.” She laughs at my optimism, and frankly, I’d laugh, too, because I’ve never once been described that way. I’m a glass half-empty kind of guy. Except when it comes to Avery. She makes me believe that good things can happen. Hell, I even visited the famous Suitor’s Crossing bridge hoping some of its heart sparks magic would rub off on me.
If that’s not the actions of a changed man, I don’t know what is.
So, I’ve got to believe that I’ve had an effect on Avery, too. That she sees what I witnessed the entire time we worked together—a smart and capable woman.
“Todd knows how much experience you have, and he’s willing to take a chance, especially since he likes what you did with this office space.” And the cherry on top. “He’s even arranged for a special mentorship opportunity with Luna Fielding. She’s a popular person around here and has managed projects for him and some of the other local businesses.”
“I’ve heard of Luna.” Avery bites her lip, swaying closer to me as she surveys the room again. This time with an open mind, I hope. “It would be really cool to learn from her.”
“So, quit across the street and do it. Let’s run our businesses together.” I point to my office across the hall.
“Really? Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
She walks around the desk, tests the ergonomic chair. “This seems too easy. Can I really do this?”
“Don’t you deserve the chance to find out? You have your nest egg, but trust me, you don’t have anything to worry about, Ave. I believe in you. I will be with you one hundred percent of the way. I mean I fucking love you, so that kind of comes with the territory.”
“What did you say?” Avery puts the nameplate down and turns to me, her brow wrinkled.
“I believe in you. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“No, not that part. You said you love me. You’ve never said that before.”
I pause, rewinding in my mind. I didn’t even realize I’d said that, but it’s true. I’ve loved Avery for a while now. “Yeah, I love you. I’m in love with you. I can’t pinpoint an exact moment when it happened; it just did.”
“You love me,” she repeats softly.
“More than anything. Even more than this company I’ve worked years to build.”
Her reticence shoots an arrow straight for my heart—and not the cute Cupid kind. I don’t need Avery to say she loves me yet. She probably thinks it’s too soon. But her next words could crush me, nonetheless. What if I’ve gone too far?
First, the office, then announcing my love. What if it’s too overwhelming while she works to figure out her next steps?
Avery stands there thinking for another second, my beating heart in her hands, before a huge smile lights up her face. “I love you, too, Dominic. Despite denying my feelings for the longest time. But there’s no more hiding it. For either of us.”