Page 57 of Crown of Flame
I don’t know what to say, stuttering over the beginnings of a mumble. He shakes his head, sighing in disappointment.
“Forget it, I don’t know why I’m wasting my precious time on you. You’re never going to see what’s right in front of you. You’re too prideful and stupid.”
He marches for the exit but stops just a footstep shy, a hand resting on the wooden doors.
“Though perhaps I will return once I conquer Prazh. Maybe then you and I can get to know each other more… thoroughly.”
My stomach turns at the way he undresses me with his eyes. He flashes a hideous smile once more and makes a swift exit, leaving me alone in this rotting shack.
“Where is he off to?”
At least now that he’s gone, I can put more energy into-
The wooden doors swing open again and three elven guards stroll in, each of them donning the same armor as the soldiers who took me. They’re big bastards with even bigger weapons.
I swallow hard when they look my way, eyeing me up and down. The one I guess to be in charge turns to his fellow troops.
“She’s the one the boss wants us to watch? I expected a bigger threat.”
“Me too. Whatever, it’ll make for an easy day’s pay.”
“Pull up those chairs, and where are those drinks you brought?”
They scape their chairs across the floor, the grating sound of it piercing my cranium. Huddling around a small table, they clink their bottles of ale together.
I need to think of something. I can’t let three guards stop me if I’m aiming to take all the dark elf bastards down. At least they’re occupied with their card games and chats, so there’s no reason for me to panic.
But I don’t like how every few moments, every one of them takes turns glancing my way. Despite the chill that just crept in from outside, trickles of sweat inch down my face.
“How do you think she tastes?” says one of the hulking brutes.
“I might go find out,” chuckles another, blowing a kiss and a wink my way. “It’s better than this swill you’ve brought.”
“It’s all they have out here!”
“Bah! Forget it. Go on then, it’s your turn.”
Think, damn it!
I continue poking and uncoiling the thick binding. By this point, my wrists are begging me to stop the friction burn but I can’t afford to keep wasting time. The longer I remain in this damned shack, the closer Aldris is getting to reaching his victory over Prazh.
Without Cinis here to help, I have to take this into my own hands, quite literally. I need a plan once I’m free of these restraints, something smart, something resourceful.
I can’t exactly take these three on…
I grimace at their armor, but that’s when I notice the glimmer on the back of the torso piece. I peer closer, spotting a section that juts out as they shift in their seats.
Is it loose? A malfunction in his armor?
Clearly not. A glance at another soldier’s armor reveals the very same piece sticking out when he twists. Their gray skin is exposed when they move their shoulders.
I think of Cinis and his attempts to kill the men who took me. I may be hoping too much, but I wonder if that small opening could compromise them somehow.
I finally untie the last knot in my binding. The rope hangs loosely off my wrists, but I need to keep them hidden until I can think of something.
“I’m bored of this,” grunts a soldier.