Page 60 of Crown of Flame
“But it’s right there,” the first snaps back. “How much surveillance do we really need to do? They’re not going to –”
A similar magical energy to the one that muffled Serena appears over Grale’s mouth. But rather than fight it, he just scowls back.
“Now how many others have a problem with Aldris’s directive?” the dark elf asks. “Anybody else want to challenge me?”
“No, Commander Lisst,” the three dark elves reply.
Dejectedly, Grale walks to the middle of the group and brings the fire on his palm down into an assembled pile of wood. It flickers lightly, partly stifled by the snow.
I can light a fire for you if you want, I think, before remembering that their armor shields them from my attacks.
It would be so perfect to incinerate them where they stand. But for now, I have to play nice.
I just wish they’d say something more direct, something I can actually use. I bring my head closer, attempting to hear every detail of their conversation.
If only I could get them talking about something helpful.
She struggled so much. Would have been so much easier if the boss just let us use a portal like we planned.
I blink wildly, suddenly confused.
Wait, what? I think. Who’s talking?
“Sorry,” one of dark elves says, looking at Commander Lisst. “Did you say something?”
“What are you on about, Learil?” Lisst asks. “You need to get your ears checked.”
Learil just shakes his head in frustration.
I signed up for Aldris, not for this asshole. He can’t even lead.
My jaw drops.
Am I hearing their thoughts somehow? This isn’t something I can normally do with strangers.
I focus my attention on another of the dark elves, who seems to be massaging his foot.
My damned feet hurt. Why’d they have to put the headquarters all the way at the base of a mountain, inaccessible without a massive climb?
I return to focusing on Learil, hoping that by prying into their minds individually, I might be able to glean enough.
Still, she was fine, Learil thinks. I’d love to have my way with her, if the boss lets me. Love a girl with some fight in her.
I cannot help but find it ironic that I’m the one considered a monster in this world. The elements rage inside of me, begging to be let loose upon these wastes of air.
Not yet, that time will come, I think.
They’ve moved on to another topic of discussion. The more I focus on their thoughts, the more disgusted I become with these creatures.
They certainly don’t deserve my mercy. Not that I have any way of dispatching them myself.
She should be my reward for staying in this damned camp. What I’d do to her if she was here right now…
“Come on, give me something!” I’m half tempted to head down there and interrogate them. Then, something in their mental energy seems to dissipate, a dampening of their spirits perhaps?
But she is so far away from here, probably in a cell far warmer than this fucking icicle wasteland. Why is there no direct path to the compound from here? Why do I have to hike all the way up the biggest mountain just to reach her?
And I swear, if Vern complains about his fucking feet one more time, I’ll muzzle him too.