Page 62 of Crown of Flame
My stomach gurgles.
I need to eat something.
And, the armor around them is now charred and darkened, its magic dormant, I pry it off of their burnt husks.
Then I claim my prize, opening them up to find the tainted lights within their beings. It’s been so long since I’ve had a good meal.
Energized and with knowledge of where to go, I begin to hover over the mountainside, lifting myself up through the air.
They tried to hide their base. Clearly, they didn’t have me in mind.
Slowly, the dark elves inch closer, each step a countdown to the impending doom that awaits me at the edge of their swords. That’s if they don’t have anything worse planned for me.
In front of me is a large fire pit, its flames routinely stoked. As I stare into its brightness, I can only see Cinis.
Is it true what they said? Is he really gone?
The men who I locked in the shack join the ranks. No doubt, they’ll want to enact vengeance for the humiliation they suffered at my hands. I raise my sword.
“What’s wrong? Afraid a girl might get the upper hand if you attack?”
I don’t know what I’m doing. I know they’re not in fear, and I’m positive they know I’m terrified. Maybe a part of me is emboldened with the knowledge of my inevitable death.
The one leading the group throws up his hand, prompting them to stop their advance.
“She’s courageous. You there,” he says, pointing to one of his subordinates. “Give her a fight and make it entertaining. I wasn’t woken up for nothing.”
The dark elf that approaches is smaller than the others. I may have a chance, but even in the slim chance of besting him, that still leaves the rest of them to deal with. When the elf brandishes his sword, all distractions leave my mind.
He charges.
I roll forward just as he brings his sword hurtling down, unsheathing the dagger I procured from earlier. I drive it into his foot, pinning him in place before cutting him down.
My victory means nothing of course, for two large elves grab me by the shoulders and force me down on my knees.
“Cowards!” I hiss. “Fight me one-on-one and I’ll best each and every one of you.”
“We all know that’s a lie. The elf you killed wasn’t even a trooper,” says the leader. He presses the flat side of his weapon against my throat. “You’ve given us enough trouble already.”
He raises his sword slowly. I shut my eyes and accept that this is the end. At least no one can say I didn’t try…
Then, the fire in the pit swirls and expands, erupting from the pit. For a moment, fire overtakes everything, incinerating the soldiers even in their armor.
What’s going on?
The men holding me, garbed in metal rather than blue armor, rush forward but are suddenly levitating. I blink, and their forms are reduced to a bag of skin and bones, their life force seemingly drained from them. I can’t believe it.
Could he have come?
An elf grabs me from behind and pulls me to my feet, pressing a cold steel dagger to my neck.
“Who’s there? Show yourself or the whore gets it.”
“You’ve already sealed your death,” speaks the familiar voice.