Page 4 of Midnight Heat
"Just go and spend some time in the VIP lounge and see what's out there. Life is too short."
"Okay,” I sighed. “I'll give it a try. Thanks."
My tone is dismissive, so he knows I won't talk about this any longer. He eyes me warily and then leaves, closing the door softly. I don't want to agree with his 'life is short' statement, but it truly is. I've immersed myself in my work for the past decade and kept everyone at arm's length. But the pain I carry inside has been like an acid acting on metal, slowly eroding my walls. It wants me to let it loose. I just don't know what kind of man I would become if I let the pain take over.
I make my decision. I go to my private bathroom and pull myself together in front of the mirror. I could try some flirting. I haven't done that in a while, and I might be a bit rusty. It's a place to start, at least. So I make my way to the VIP lounge and cringe when I see the women all over the men. I almost turn back when I feel Erik standing behind me.
"You can do this, Max." He says, low enough that only I can hear. Then he puts his hand on my shoulder, giving me some of his strength.
Once I'm inside, I stop a server and order a whiskey. I stand close to the balcony so I can check out what's happening on the lower level of the club. Midnight Heat is my baby, and I'm really proud of how much success it's had in the last few years. Working with my two best friends day in and day out makes it even more special. Theo is generally here during the day, but we all make a point to check things out during the night as well.
Erik works fast and brings a couple of ladies over to me, and we manage some small talk. My whiskey arrives and I'm relieved that I have something to sip on so I can blend in. My partner carries most of the conversation, and I try to pay attention while still observing the ground floor. That's when I see her. A beautiful redhead wearing the most seductive dress imaginable.
She carries herself like a queen, and for the first time in years, I feel my blood heat and my interest surface. I follow her with my eyes and then see someone crash into her and drop their drink on her incredible dress. She looks like she wants to battle, but the other person just brushes her off. Then she looks resigned and moves toward the restrooms.
I think of going after her, but Erik interrupts my thoughts and brings me back to the conversation they've been having. It's the story of how we founded Midnight Heat, and he always tells it to impress the ladies. He's telling a part where he normally exaggerates, so I set him straight so that the ladies don't think we're some sort of geniuses who did this great thing. We are businessmen that had an idea and worked hard to get our business off the ground.
Keeping my eye on the ground level once more, I add comments throughout my friend’s retelling of how we 'built our empire.' It is a mini-empire, I guess. There's a lot more room to grow, though. I want to have locations in other places like New York and London. But that takes a lot of planning. That's why we've been looking for an additional marketing person to help us grow.
We keep the small talk going, and then I feel it in the back of my head. This tingling and I know exactly where to look. Down at the bar. She's there, and her eyes are trained on me. I immediately take off for the stairs so I can get to her. When I'm on the ground floor, I see her searching for something. She must be searching for me, but when she spots me, she opens her eyes wide and takes off.
I fight my way across the dance floor, but people keep stopping me to say hello or ask questions. I just nod and keep pushing through the sea of people. When I get to the doors, I ask security if they saw where the redhead was going, and he just points to the right. I immediately start walking down the street in hopes of finding her.
After a few minutes, despair fills me, but I keep walking. Then I see her through the window of The Dragon's Lair, and I go in. I know the hostess, Cassie, and I tell her I've got someone waiting for me. When the redhead looks up, I wave at her and she smiles seductively and waves back. I guess that's my signal to proceed. I want to see what this sultry stranger has that is making my blood boil.
Chapter 3
The hostess smiles at him like she knows him and guides him to where I'm sitting. He thanks her and slides into the seat across from me.
"I'm sorry I'm late." He says, unfolding the cloth napkin and draping it over his lap.
This is it. This is my chance. I don't want to run away from this anymore.
"I think you're right on time," I say with as much a seductive voice as I can muster.
"Why did you run from me?"
"I was late for my reservation." I lie as I lick my lips seductively. Keep it together, Anne.
"What happened to your dress?"
"Accidents happen in crowded places."
Normally, I'd cower and try to take attention away from my fashion faux pas, but I'm a femme fatale, right? I don't care a damn if the front of my dress has a big fat stain on it.
"I can pay for the dry cleaning if you let me take it off you tonight."
His heated gaze is on me, and all I can do is lick my lips. Do I really want to tease this man? I look down at myself and sigh.
"I think it might be ruined."
"The invitation is still valid, though." He says.
"And I'm considering it. But I'd like to get to know you better." I hesitate. "For a man who's willing to pay for my dry cleaning, I hardly know a thing about you."
"Maxwell or Max." His tone indicates that's all I need to know before I fall on my knees in front of him.