Page 107 of Stars May Burn
I didn’t flinch but dug my fingernails into the wood of the armrests. “I outrank you in every way. I am no longer a child that is under your authority. Let me leave at once.”
Quicker than I had ever seen him move, Father leaned forward and slapped me across my face. His voice was low and measured. “How dare you speak to me like that? If you do so again, it will be my cane not my hand that strikes you.”
I blinked through the sting in my cheek and waited for my heartbeat to slow. “What do you think Kasten will do when he finds you’ve taken me prisoner? He’ll be furious.”
Father scoffed. “He has no idea where you are. And neither do you. I’m not so foolish as to have stayed in Halfield Manor. Why do you think I used a sedative?”
Panic threatened to overtake me then, and I focused on my breathing to stop my hands from shaking.
“Is also ignorant, chasing her tail in circles. All your useless guards are. Now, are you finally ready to listen to me?”
I nodded. Kasten would come for me. He would know how to find me. Until then, I had to be strong.
And even if he never came, I would withstand this and defend what we had. Whatever Father wanted, I wouldn’t say anything that harmed Kasten or Kasomere.
“I am willing to overlook your subversive behavior just this once due to your ignorance. But I will not again. Let me explain the situation.”
I stared at him in silence.
Father sighed as if I were a small child behaving in a ridiculous and tiring manner. I felt my body respond, wanting to cower and please him to defend myself, but I didn’t move a muscle.
Father rested one hand atop the other on the knob of his cane. “When Kasten sent me the offer of marriage, I was overjoyed. Finally, a legitimate tie to court and a tie to royalty, even if it was illegitimate. I was thrilled that you had managed to attract a match that would benefit our station so much.”
I refused to let myself be fooled by the flattery.
“So, I agreed and settled on the dowry, but then I had an unofficial summons from the king himself. Naturally, I couldn’t believe the speed things were moving at.” He paused to clear his throat and leaned over his cane, his pale eyes gleaming. “When I met with the king, he made me an interesting offer. Turns out your precious husband has been causing quite a lot of problems in court. And when the king made me a deal, I had no choice but to agree to it. He wanted me to find out about General Kasten’s illegal kryalcomy and why he was able to survive so many impossible odds on the battlefield. He explained that if such kryalcomy was made common knowledge, thousands of our troops would be saved, and we would be able to repel Kollenstar once and for all. The general keeping such things hidden is nothing short of treason. So that is what I need from you, dear daughter. Tell me, do you know about this kryalcomy?”
I shook my head too quickly, panicked.
He saw straight through it. “Ah, so you do. You were always a pathetic liar. Playing these games doesn’t suit you, Sophie. Just tell me the truth.”
I ground my teeth, trying to stay focused under the onslaught of his gaze, the heaviness of his presence in the room. He was slowly suffocating me. Nausea was building, but whether it was from the sedative or fear of my situation, I couldn’t tell.
“Tell me, Sophie. Tell me everything about his kryalcomy.”
I shook my head again, not daring to speak.
Father moved forward an inch. I flinched. “We don’t have any choice in this. The king himself has asked for it. Not telling me also amounts to treason. You will be hanged.”
I shook my head again. I wouldn’t give in to him. I would not betray Kasten and all the people of Kasomere.
“So rebellious.” He sighed. “That wasn’t the whole deal. The king said if we get him this information, I’d become a landed duke. Besides, he’s planned for Kasten to not be with us much longer. He’s already lost. And so, it stands to reason that the lands of Kasomere would belong to our family through you.”
They will never be yours.
“He also said—now this is the important bit, so listen closely—that if we failed to uncover this kryalcomy, we would face reprimand. Frederick’s lands would be confiscated and a large fine would be levied. In short, we will be ruined. Don’t you see, Sophie? This information is our salvation or our doom. The king himself has demanded it. If we disobey him, our whole family, including your little sisters, will be out on the streets. Now do you understand why I’ve been trying so hard to contact you?”
I said nothing, the information circling my head, colliding with the sound of my thudding heart.
Father flicked his hand in the air. “At first, I tried to make things easy for you. You would be our ticket to Kasomere, but nothing would be required of you. Others could find the secrets. But then you allowed Miss Claris to be sent away, not once but twice. You rudely and naively sent George away the first time, even when your husband was absent. The second time, you stood by while his life was threatened.” He held up a finger. “I will not let that go unpunished, by the way.” He shook his head slowly. “And, worst of all, you allowed my men to be imprisoned and questioned by your husband when they found you on the street and tried to pass this information on to you. They had no choice but to end their lives rather than give away their loyalties.”
Those men who had followed me in the rain that night…they had been Father’s?
He looked down and shook his head before spreading his hands. “I tried, my dear daughter. I tried so hard to make this easy for you. All you had to do was sit there and look pretty, but instead, you have caused our entire family great distress.” He eased himself forward. “But it appears you have also managed to uncover some of the secrets yourself, so maybe you’re not as useless as I’d feared. Tell me so I can report them to the king. You have nothing to fear.”
I glared at him and shook my head.