Page 14 of Stars May Burn
“Good heavens,” Miss Claris muttered under her breath as she gazed upward. I hoped the guard hadn’t heard.
“Lady Batton, I am Dame Meena. Though please call me Meena. General Batton has assigned me as your personal guard.” She wore a serious expression.
A personal guard? Surely the war would never come this far west from the border.
I nodded to her and smiled. “Thank you, Meena. Please call me Lady Sophie. I must admit, this place seems very different from the capital. I have never needed a personal guard before.”
“I hope you settle in quickly. Please let me know if I can be of service in any way.” She bowed her head again, and I was taken aback by her subservience. I supposed I had a much higher rank now I had married a royal.
I licked my lips, longing to ease the worry burrowing in my stomach. “Do you know where my husband is?”
She frowned and scratched the back of her neck as she looked around. Her height gave her a definite advantage in this situation. She could probably look the general in the eyes, or maybe stare evenly at his forehead. “I’m afraid not. He does that a lot, the general. Sneaks off when you’re not looking. We always say he should come with a colored beacon attached.”
I had no idea what that was but smiled at the intended joke, hiding my surprise at her informal reference to her lord. “In his absence, could you possibly take me to my rooms?”
She straightened. “Of course, my lady. Follow me.”
She strode forward at a pace I struggled to emulate with my heels and much shorter legs.
The castle was built of pale gold sandstone in contrast to the limestone and marble I was used to back in the capital. It was tall and sturdy with round defensive towers yet had large decorative windows as well as arrow slits. Blue and silver banners hung from some of the windows and the flags of Batton, Kasomere, and Fenland snapped in the wind.
The sprawling size of the building made me wonder how many staff I would be expected to manage. It also raised my hopes for a large garden. A quiver of excitement ran down my neck. Frederick’s garden had been nothing but heavily manicured hedges that I had only been allowed to walk between. A true garden would be a luxurious dream, especially one large enough for me to make little corners my own. And the warmer weather here would mean plants I’d never come across before. Maybe being closer to the border would mean I could get hold of rare specimens from Tyrazastan or Nibawae.
Meena led us toward the wide dusty staircase that ascended to the main castle doors when a barked order made her stop and turn.
Sir Cley hurried up to us and bowed his head apologetically at Miss Claris. “I’m afraid, Miss, that I can’t let you enter the castle.” His hand rested on his sword hilt.
I blinked in surprise.
Miss Claris gaped and drew herself up to her rather unimpressive full height. “Whyever not? I am her ladyship’s maid and have been since she was a child.”
He gave another embarrassed nod. “It’s General Batton’s orders. He says Lady Sophie’s personal care will be managed by his own household, and he has no need of you.”
Miss Claris’s face had turned white. She folded her arms and pursed her lips. “I refuse to leave.”
Sir Cley looked awkward and lowered his voice. “You really don’t have a choice, Miss.”
Miss Claris looked to me for support. My mouth dried with indecision. It seemed odd to remove my maid and to be so rude to Miss Claris, yet Lucy and Beatrice were indeed more than adequate and far more relaxed in their manner. I didn’t want to appear dissatisfied with General Batton’s household, and I didn’t need extra attention or fuss. But I also didn’t want anything bad to happen to the maid who had served me faithfully for so long. She’d been my only companion in Frederick’s house. She knew me better than anyone.
A new voice came from behind Sir Cley, lighter and less formal. “Actually, I think his words were closer to, ‘Get that hag out of my lands before I string her up by her ankles.’” The blond newcomer grinned and waggled his eyebrows at Miss Claris with staggering cheek. My heart rate picked up with fear and uncertainty. Would the general really say such a thing?
I turned to my maid and laid a hand on her arm. “I think you should go, Miss Claris. Return to my father. I’m sure he will find you a new position. I will be quite well here and don’t wish to upset my husband or cause you difficulty on my behalf. I’ll write to you.”
Miss Claris pursed her lips in an angry expression I knew well. She squinted at me. “I will expect regular letters. I will also make sure you receive your tonic promptly. And you should address this misunderstanding as soon as possible.” She lowered her voice. “You won’t survive well without me.”
The blunt newcomer hooked his thumbs through his trouser pockets. “Glad that’s cleared up. Luckily for you, there’s a group returning to the capital shortly, so you needn’t stay long at all. Don’t bother to sit down.” He turned to Sir Cley. “Best not to let your men get too comfortable either. The general wants twenty more men sent back to Adenburg at once.”
I saw the resignation on Sir Cley’s face, but he saluted sharply and turned on his heel. I frowned. Why would my husband be sending members of our guard to the capital while we were absent? And so soon after they’d arrived.
I turned back to the blond man. I struggled to place his rank and purpose, especially after Sir Cley’s sharp salute. His clothes were finely made but scruffy, and his accent wasn’t the most refined, yet he strode around like he was the lord of this place instead of the general. His shoulder-length hair was oiled until the curls gleamed gold, but his tanned skin showed he was used to working outside. His fingers displayed no signet ring to indicate his house, nor were there emblems on his coat buttons.
An enigma.
I stepped toward him. “I don’t think we’ve been introduced.”
The young man smacked his forehead. “Forgive my rudeness. I am rarely in polite company, I’m afraid. I’m Callum, the general’s official pain-in-the-backside. I’ve spent half my life being dragged behind him from one near-death experience to the next.” He gave a wide grin, and there was a challenge in his eyes.
I opened and closed my mouth, struggling for the correct response to somebody so outrageous. Finally, I smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet any friend of my husband.”