Page 47 of Stars May Burn
I plastered on a smile and smoothed down my fresh dress. I’d asked Lucy to tighten my corset so I would appear in Adenburg’s style. Butterflies turned to dragons in my stomach, which was ridiculous. It was just George. I’d hosted guests many times before. I shouldn’t be nervous about seeing my own brother.
But I was.
I opened the door and strode into the room with a straight back. “George!” I beamed as he stood from the sofa and gave me a formal embrace.
At eighteen, he seemed taller than when I’d last seen him, and his well-cut suit made him appear older. He held a cane with a silver cap that reminded me of Father. I wished he hadn’t chosen to emulate that particular mannerism; I hated Father’s cane. His brown hair was immaculate—oiled to one side, and a new pocket watch looped a golden chain across his breast.
He smiled as he looked me up and down. “Sophie, it is good to see you. I was beginning to fear they’d lost you after you took so long to appear.”
I lowered my head to hide my blush. “I’m sorry. I was on the far side of the castle grounds. I wasn’t expecting you. Why didn’t you send a message ahead?” I sat down on the chair opposite the sofa, and he regained his seat.
He shrugged. “When Father told me of the position you were in, I decided to come straightaway. I would have beaten any letter.”
I frowned and locked my fingers together to stop their fidgeting. “My position? What did Father say?”
His brow furrowed in concern. “He said you were here, all alone, having to manage your household and the city while the general was suddenly called to war due to the terrible loss of Whitehill.” He lowered his voice. “Father said the chances of his survival are low.”
I looked away from him and swallowed. “My husband is an accomplished general and soldier. He has already survived many difficult battles. I believe he will survive again.”
George gave me a pitying look. “Of course you do.” He leaned forward on his seat, closing the distance between us. “This must be a hard time for you, sister. You must be so worried about him, and yet expected to manage such a huge estate. The pressure is unfair.”
I licked my lips. “Thank you for your concern, George, but so far, I am managing. The staff here have been very helpful.”
He frowned and leaned his hands on his cane in a manner that was so like Father, a shiver ran up my spine. “Are you managing, Sophie? Do you understand what is involved? He’s only been away for four days. You might be managing the castle servants, but are you on top of the finances? The city security? Most of your soldiers must be gone now, leaving a big gap to fill. Are you maintaining the barracks, monitoring the trade, making sure the granaries are stocked for winter? Are you conversing with political allies and improving international relations? You’re close enough to the border of Tyrazastan that you should befriend your foreign neighbors. Possibly some in Nibawae too.”
My heart rate picked up and there was the sensation of falling, falling. The familiar choking sense of inadequacy that laughed at the idea that I could have ever done this. How had I been fooling myself…
Kasten had gone to great lengths to keep the estate in my hands alone, even if he died. I would not fail him in this.
I stopped the onslaught of unhelpful thoughts as my eyes met Meena’s. She stood discreetly in the corner of the room, her look full of confidence. If I could stand up to Kasten, the most feared man in Fenland, I could cope with George.
I licked my lips. “As I said, George, the staff have been very helpful and are extremely competent.”
He frowned. “You can’t just leave these jobs to them. People will take advantage. Cut corners. You will encourage dishonesty and embezzlement.”
I poured myself a cup of tea to calm my nerves and took a slow sip while I considered my response.
George took my hesitation as an opportunity and leaned forward, speaking just above a whisper. “It’s all right to need help, Sophie. Father is worried you might be struggling with your priorities. Maybe getting a little distracted under the stress. It’s understandable with your new station and a whole new home.”
I forced a smile. “I thank you for your concern, George, truly, but I have plenty of help.”
He sat back and pursed his lips. “And what were you doing in the gardens just now, so far from the main house?”
My treacherous heart pounded against my rib cage. “I was… The general had arranged for a new garden area for me. The work has just finished. I was inspecting it.”
George sighed. “I know you like gardens, Sophie, but you’re the lady of a grand estate. An entire city. You simply don’t have time for frivolities right now. People are relying on you.” He rubbed his forehead. “Maybe I should stay for a few months. I’ve had a lot of lessons on large scale management. I could help with the finances and investments in particular.”
I sipped my tea, barely noticing when it burned my lips. It would be nice to have somebody here who could help me manage such a huge task and make me feel less alone, but I was scared about where it would lead. This was my household. My estate. The general had foreseen the possibility of my father claiming it and had chosen to keep it in my name and free me from my father. This place was my freedom. I was more grateful for that than anything. He had known and cared about my deepest fears, even those too inappropriate to share, and that made me feel closer to him that I had realized.
The general trusted me, and I in turn trusted the staff he had chosen to help me. If I gave my brother a foothold, there was no telling when he would give it up. The general also had secrets. I might not understand what they were, but it was my duty to protect them.
I would be strong enough to protect his lands, no matter what I faced.
I tightened my grip on the teacup. “Thank you, George, for your offer, but you must be very busy, and I do actually have experience running an estate, even if this one is larger than Frederick’s. I’ve also been well taught.”