Page 81 of Stars May Burn
Kasten bowed his head toward mine so there was barely any space between us. “Sophie, look at me, please. I am sorry. I was careless with my words.”
I didn’t meet his eyes and stepped away, turning completely so I could rub my eyes with the heel of my hand before my makeup smudged. His hands were left empty and suspended. “I’m fine.”
Kasten only stepped closer. It took my body a moment to register the touch of his chest against my back and how his strength always seemed to suck mine away. His breath tickled the shell of my ear. “I only meant…”
I steeled myself, turned, and met his eyes, straightening my back. “No, you’re right. I do put on a smile, try to please others, and generally think less of myself. I just didn’t realize you found those qualities so unlikeable.”
“You don’t understand.” He let out a breath with a frustrated shake of his head. “You’re beautiful, Sophie. Underneath it all, you are so beautiful. I hate that you’ve been told you have to hide that.”
The air whooshed from my lungs as my mind struggled to process his words. How could he suddenly say things like that?
Callum sauntered to Kasten’s side with a wide grin. “Trouble in paradise?”
Kasten glared at him as I looked away. “Why are you smiling so widely?” he growled at his friend.
Callum shrugged. “It’s just nice to see you two actually talking. Having a lover’s quarrel means your relationship is definitely progressing. But you may want to have it somewhere more private.”
I glanced over his shoulder and saw that, while we were far out of the other guests’ hearing range, some were giving us curious glances, quickly covered up by sips of wine or waves of their fans.
I smoothed my expression to something less readable. “We weren’t quarreling. I was just telling Kasten not to be so rude to the high-ranking guests.”
Callum snorted. “Good luck with that.”
I raised my eyebrows at the lack of support. “But they were a duke, a viscount, and a baroness…”
Callum lifted an eyebrow. “Duke James, by any chance? Last time Kasten spoke to him, he threatened the life of his son. I think today will pale in comparison. I wouldn’t worry.”
My stomach dropped and I gaped at Kasten, who shifted awkwardly as he glared at Callum. “Don’t tell her things out of context.”
Callum only grinned.
I pressed a hand to my stomach as my heart rate struggled to slow. Had Kasten really threatened that man’s son?
Kasten sighed. “Duke James seems powerful, but he is Lord Lyrason’s puppet through and through. It means Lord Lyrason has influence over the actions of the city guard, and he can get away with literal murder.”
Kasten’s words made me uneasy. There was so much I didn’t know, so how was I supposed to help him find allies?
The sound of violins and cellos swelled from a nearby room, and I was grateful for the distraction. I looked at Kasten in question. “I thought you said the ballroom opened after dinner for dancing?”
He nodded. “That’s not the ballroom. It’s a side room where people may dance before dinner if they wish, but it isn’t expected. It’s a much simpler affair in there. Sometimes people discuss more sensitive business matters in the corners where the music will prevent them from being overheard.”
I looked toward the origin of the gentle sway of music, eager to move on from the unpleasantness of our argument. If Kasten was going to mope in the corner and damage his reputation further while people talked, we might as well dance. It seemed madness that I had been married for months and not had a single dance with Kasten. And if I danced with other men, it would smooth over our relationships and make us seem approachable as a couple.
I took Kasten’s hand. “Shall we dance?”
Callum smirked and raised an eyebrow at Kasten in a teasing expression.
I licked my lips. I’d been told countless times by nearly everyone how much he hated to dance. “Or I could dance without you, if you would be happy to excuse me? I’m sure there will be a few available partners there.” I looked at Callum. “Maybe with you?”
Kasten cleared his throat and took my arm in both hands, curling it around his and locking it in place. “I’ll dance with you.”
Callum appeared to choke on his wine and turned away to grab a napkin.
My heart lifted. “Really?” I tightened my arm around his and smiled.
He stared at me as if drinking me in, his eyes lingering on my smile, then he abruptly looked away. He led us toward the music with quick steps. “I much prefer smaller dances than the ballroom where everyone watches and gossips.”
I felt an unexpected thrill walking into the side room on Kasten’s arm, feeling his strength and confidence radiating through me. For once, I didn’t mind the glances of strangers; their scrutiny simply washed over me. Kasten made me feel above them all.