Page 112 of The Betrayal
I am dressed but sitting on the sofa of the penthouse alone. It's my birthday and I have never felt more alone than I do today. I think of the text I received this morning.
Happy Birthday, love Keaton xx
Not going to lie.
I didn't like it. It stung, my heart tore into shreds.
Connie and Reese called me and offered to take me for breakfast, but I blew it off.
I am wearing a long dress and luckily, it hides my bump perfectly, but I won't be able to hide it much longer. I feel like I am the size of a house already and I am only going to get bigger. I really do need to pull my big girl panties up and tell my dad that I am pregnant.
He will assume they’re Keaton's. He will kill him. No point even thinking he wouldn't.
What the hell was I thinking? I wasn't. Clearly.
I know they say men think with their dicks, but I was clearly thinking with my vagina when it came to Keaton. Because it didn't matter how much I tried. I just couldn't stay away from him.
Until now, obviously.
But as much as I knew it was the right thing, I also hated it. Hated every minute and every second that I was away from him. Heart hurt. Felt constantly sick, but let's be honest, it could be the two babies that are growing inside of me.
I check the time on my phone, it is just past seven. Table is at half-past in downtown Manhattan. Yes, I am cutting it fine. But it's my party and I’ll be late if I want to.
I huff, this is not how I expected to spend my birthday this year. I expected to be woken up with champagne, macaroons, breakfast in bed, presents and nothing but birthday sex all day.
But I was currently alone in my best friend's dad's penthouse, pregnant with twins, starving and no presents, no champagne, no macaroons and definitely no sex. And annoyingly, I was most annoyed with the no sex. Because my god, Keaton knew how to fuck.
And yes, I am fully aware I have nothing else to compare it to, well, apart from the one night with mystery man, but honestly, I don't think it can get much better than Keaton.
I am instantly horny and even more pissed off.
Groaning, I push up from the sofa when I get a sharp pain shoot through my stomach.
“Ouch,” I whisper out to the room, my hand gliding under my small bump as I breathe in through my mouth and out through my nose.
It's fine. I just stood too quickly, I reassure myself and reach for my phone that is still sitting on the sofa. Taking a step forward, another pain radiates through me, and my legs buckle beneath me.
The fear that spikes through me is enough to make me throw up. Am I losing my babies? Choked sobs leave me, my chest heavy and my stomach tightens as the pain radiates through me.
I needed to get to the hospital. I thumb a message to Kyra and hope she can meet me at the hospital.
Kneeling up, I pull myself to my feet and I am secretly praying that everything is going to be okay.
Slowly and cautiously, I walk towards the front door of the penthouse, locking it behind me as I continue down the short hallway and to the private serving elevator. Once inside, I slip down the mirrored wall and just close my eyes. I needed a moment to let the pain reside. Just a moment. That's all I needed.
Just. One. Moment. It’s the last thought that enters my mind.
It's coming up to two weeks since I last saw Arizona, since I last spoke to her. I know she is okay, Killian keeps me updated. Annoys me that he is checking in on her and not me. But what am I supposed to do? Hang around like a weirdo until she is ready to take me back?
Ha, no.
My fingers fiddle with her dainty gold wedding band that I wear around my neck, hung on a gold chain and tucked away under my white shirt. Only I know it's there.