Page 122 of The Betrayal
I look down at the bag once more, kind of wishing she asked me to pack it. But I disappeared. Should have text her. Royally ruined her birthday. Kind of. Maybe?
Shaking my head from side to side, I close my eyes for just a moment. I just needed an extra minute or two before I went to see her.
Maybe just one more.
I walk cautiously towards where I left her, and I am still hating myself over not telling her I was leaving.
Pushing through the heavy doors and walking down the hallway, I pause outside the door and inhale deeply before walking inside. But she isn't there. My heart drops, panic sets in and claws at my fucking throat. Lungs burn, eyes sting.
Turning, I run out the fucking room and scour the area, looking for someone, anyone.
“Where is Arizona Mills? Fuck! King. Arizona King?!”
The woman behind the desk just stares at me like I am a mad man.
“Where is she?” my temper is rising. She hasn't been taken home by Titus; he wouldn't have given me the bag.
“Keaton?” I hear Doctor Kyra's voice and the rage that was simmering inside of me settles in an instant.
“Where is she?” my voice is calm like the soft ocean lapping against the shore.
“Come,” she smiles at me, and I do, walking like a little lost soul trying to find my way home.
She was my home.
“I moved her to a maternity ward, thought she would be more comfortable up here,” she turns to look at me as we wait for the elevator.
“I thought she left...” I feel fucking stupid.
“No,” she shakes her head softly, a soft laugh passing her lips. “We would have let you know, well, when I say we, I mean I... I can see how much you love her.” She steps inside the elevator, and it takes me a moment to follow.
“I do love her,” I sigh heavily as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders and suddenly, they feel heavier than ever.
Kyra says nothing, just pushes the button for the sixth floor and we ride up in silence.
Following her to a side room, my eyes well when they finally land on her. She's sleeping. Hands resting on her bump. She looks so peaceful.
“Thank you,” I whisper to Kyra as I step into the room.
“I'll get a bed made up for you, you're welcome to stay the night with her.”
And my heart warms.
I turn to tell her yes, but she has already slipped out.
Placing her bag on the floor gently, I drag the chair quietly by her bed and scoop her hand in mine.
“Hey baby,” my voice is soft. “I'm sorry for leaving, I didn't mean to be as long as I was... I just...” I sigh, dropping my head. “I freaked? I think. I got overwhelmed. Your dad and everyone rushing towards me and suffocating me. I needed out, for just a while, but I didn't expect that while to turn into hours. I wanted to spend today with you, but I didn't want to come into your space. You pushed me away Ari, and I could have been an asshole and ignored you, but I didn't want to. I want to give you everything you have ever wished for, want to be the best person for you, want you to be the best you, even if that means you become her without me. But you'll never be without me. I've always been here when you needed me, and I don't plan on giving up now. I love you Blossom, more than I have ever loved anyone before. The thought that I have never been in love before you were confirmed to me just a few days ago, baby. Because the way I feel about you is all new.” I pause for a moment and bring the back of her hand to my lips. “I would have never forgiven myself if something happened to you or the babies. I know you want space and I accept that but let me be there for you if you need me,” she flinches, her eyes fluttering as she slowly opens them, her beautiful eyes on mine.
“Happy birthday baby,” I brush my lips across the back of her hand before kissing her delicate skin.
“You came back,” her voice croaks.
“I was always coming back,” I admit, blinking back the tears that are threatening. “I'm sorry I was gone for so long.”