Page 164 of The Betrayal
Five days of no leads on where the fuck Wolfe has taken my wife.
Five days without her.
And as each day slips by, our worry grows.
I am frantic. My stomach is in bits and my nerves are shot.
The guys are the same. All putting our heads together to try and work out where the fuck he is.
Xavier is struggling. His already short temper is non-existent.
“What are we missing?” Xavier paces. Up and down. Back and forth. “He wants us to find her, he wants payback.”
Titus shakes his head from side to side.
“This is your fault,” Xavier jabs his finger at Titus and Kaleb steps up towards him.
“If he had actually checked to make sure he was dead before running off to marry my daughter then we wouldn't be in this situation,” his tone is harsh.
“Fuck off Xavier,” Titus roars and that's when I step in. I stand, shoving Xavier.
“Don't you fucking dare. Either drop the blame and help us or just fuck off. Because whilst we're fighting and bickering, Wolfe is doing fuck knows what to my wife and Titus's daughter. I can do this on my own if you're too busy pointing fingers,” I throw my hands up and pace towards Nate. Heavy eye bags, narrow eyes, dry lips. We're all fucked.
I rub my fingers across my brow and Nate scales through CCTV recordings.
“It doesn’t make sense, it's like he just disappeared.” Nate sighs, leaning back in his chair and tipping his head back.
I fall to the floor, my legs giving out beneath me, and I crumble.
Kaleb is over me, crouching down beside me as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.
“We will find her, I promise.”
I am numb.
I am broken.
I am ruined.
And the final thoughts that settle in mind, causing a depressing emptiness in my chest is; they're not coming.
I knew it was going to take them a while to find her, but this is taking the piss.
I am bored.
I need to ramp it up a little.
I sit with my feet on the desk of the club, bourbon in hand as my long finger taps on the crystal glass, my eyes focused on the CCTV of the club and Arizona's room.