Page 180 of The Betrayal
Two little terrors but my god, they’re amazing.
The last year has whizzed by, and I have loved every single minute of it.
But am I ready to go back to work? It’s bittersweet.
Today is my first day as an intern but under a different hospital, and I changed from trauma to pediatrics. It was the right thing to do, and I know it was my guardian angels that I have to thank.
“Are you ready?” I hear my husband’s voice echo down the hallway, a boy in each arm and my heart melts. He has never looked more handsome than he does now.
“I think so,” I nod, and check the time.
“Are you?” I ask, and he gives me such a sweet smile.
“I have been ready for you to pick your dream back up again from the moment I bumped into you,” he steps closer to me, placing a soft kiss on my lips.
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Of course, you do,” he kisses me again and Seb grabs my face, putting a sloppy kiss on my cheek.
“Oh, baby boy,” I scoop him from Keaton and snuggle him for just a moment before I tuck myself under his arm and that’s how we stand when there is a knock on the door. I look up at him, our eyes filled with anxiousness.
“We’re doing the right thing aren’t we?” I whisper and Keaton nods.
“Yes baby, we are,” he places a kiss on my forehead before he steps aside and opens the front door.
“James,” he smiles, and I peep over his shoulder at our new nanny.
Twenty-three, just out of college and ready to take on the challenge of two boisterous boys.
She steps inside the house and the boys are already holding their arms out for her and she scoops them both into a hold, a huge smile on her face.
“I don’t think we’re going to be missed at all,” I sigh as Keaton wraps his arm round me and pulls me into him, my head resting on his chest, my hand splayed against his shirt.
“Yeah, we will,” he kisses the top of my head and my heart stammers in my chest.
After a minute or two, I break away from Keaton and grab my bag.
“Okay, any problems I have left a few numbers, but you can reach me and Keaton at work.”
“We will be fine,” she smiles, reassuring me.
“I know,” I promised myself I wasn’t going to cry. Liar. Tears are streaming down my cheeks.
“I’ll send updates throughout the day, I promise,” she smiles sweetly. She is an angel.
“Okay,” I sniffle, stepping towards the boys and placing a kiss on the top of their brown hair, lingering a little longer with each kiss, inhaling their scent. “Bye my babies,” I choke, then press onto my tiptoes and kiss Keaton on the lips. Turning quickly, I head for the door when I bump into Nate.
“Oh, Nate, hey,” I place my hand on his shoulder as I pass him, “would love to catch up but I don’t want to be late.”
He nods and smiles at me, “Have a great first day,” he calls out as he steps into the house.
“Keat?” he calls out and I turn to give the boys one last wave when I notice how Nate is just staring at James.
My brows furrow for just a moment, and Keaton walks into the lobby with a huge smile on his face.
“Nate, this is James our Nanny; James, this is Nate. The boy’s uncle and my best friend.”
“Lovely to meet you Nate, I would shake your hand but…” James shrugs her shoulders up, arms full with Smith and Seb, and Nate just nods, turns on his heel and walks towards me, knocking his shoulder into me. He doesn’t apologize, just keeps going until he is in his car.