Page 41 of The Betrayal
“Sounds amazing, I’ll put my vacation request in.”
“No need,” she stands beside me, linking her arm through mine as she leads me away, “it’s already approved.”
I step out onto the sidewalk ready to hail a cab and I see Keaton parked and waiting. A soft smile graces my lips as I saunter over to him, the door unlocking as I approach. Slipping in he turns to face me.
“Well, hello you,” my cheeks color pink as I buckle myself in.
“Didn’t want you getting a cab.”
“I am big enough to get a cab, you don’t normally mind when it’s five a.m…” He chuckles, signaling to pull out onto the busy road.
“Okay, fine… I missed you. It’s been a week and you’ve ducked out at every chance you’ve had,” he licks his lips, brows furrowed for just a moment as we roll to a stop.
“I just thought it was best we kept our distance… we’ve not been very good at it recently,” I sigh.
“What if I don’t want to keep my distance?” he asks, looking at me for just a moment as the lights turn green.
“We both agreed it was a bit of fun, it was never going to be any more than that…” I rub my lips together and ignore the way my heart is jack hammering in my chest.
“Ari…” the way my name rolls off his tongue does things to me that I am too ashamed to voice out loud.
“Keaton,” I spin to face him, “it needs to be like this. If you can’t then… maybe I need to move out for a while. I’m sure I can crash on a sofa somewhere.”
“What?” he hisses as we roll to another stop. Jeez. The lights are not on our side tonight.
“I mean…” I shrug, “it might be better for us. Just to help put the distance between us.”
I don’t want to move out, but the more the silence fills the car and I am alone with my thoughts, the more I think that this might be best for us. He stays quiet, fingers tightening round the steering wheel of his SUV.
“You can’t help being a walking god and my lady boner can’t take it,” a slow smirk pulls at my lips and I know I shouldn’t inflate his already huge ego.
At least it matches his huge dick.
Fuck, he has a beautiful dick.
“Can we talk about it at home? I am famished and need food,” he groans, his eyes darkening as he pulls off the busy main roads and into the side streets.
“What you hungry for?” I ask as my own stomach rumbles.
“Your pretty wet cunt,” and I choke on my intake of breath, “that’s the only thing that will appease my appetite.” He glares at me, and my eyes widen.
He isn’t joking.
My fingers grip into the seat as tension builds over the duration of our drive home.
And I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited.
This isn’t healthy. I know that.
She’s one of my best friend’s daughters.
I am sick. And the only thing that is going to cure me is her pussy.