Page 62 of The Betrayal
“Will it?” I whimper as I lift my head to look at her, tears threatening.
“Keaton seems cool enough, and now you’re married… seems like fate, right?” I shake my head from side to side. “What?” she laughs, “he is not cool or…?”
“It may not be his…” and I’m going to throw up. Sage reaches for a napkin and pushes it into my hands as I empty the contents of my stomach in a somewhat discreet way and I am grateful my stomach isn’t that full.
I am just grateful no one else is around us, they’re all still over getting their food and coffees.
“Let’s go pick up some tests hm?” Sage smirks and I want to cry.
“Not yet,” I shake my head, “I just want to enjoy the rest of the morning without thinking or worrying about the possible human that will reside inside my womb for the next eight months,” I puff out my cheeks just as Keaton sits next to me and places a coffee down in front of me and a bowl of cereal.
“I know how much you like cereal,” he says softly as I try and hide the sick filled napkin.
“Thank you,” my voice cracks at his small gesture and I manage to keep a poker face, but inside, I am full blown ugly crying.
We walk back to our rooms and agree to meet at the botanical gardens in the hotel after we’ve freshened up; Reese and Killian as well. Nerves bloom in my chest, knotting my stomach and making the nauseous feeling more evident. Was Sage right? Could I be pregnant? Fear blankets me and inside I can feel myself trembling. I sit on the edge of the bed, my eyes pinned to the carpet of our room and I can’t seem to concentrate on anything other than the possibility of a baby growing inside of me. How could I have been so stupid. I know I have used protection once with Keaton and TallDarkandHandsome, and I am on my own birth control methods so getting pregnant seems a rarity but not impossible. These things happen. I know that, not all methods are safe. No matter if you were double wrapped. Shit, what was I going to do.
Keaton didn’t want to be a dad, and honestly, I didn’t want to be a mom. Did I? Yeah, in the future I would love to be a mom, but not at the age of twenty-one. I had so much planned. Sure, my plans were derailed slightly with not passing my exams, but still, I was working and I know deep down I would love to go back to medical school and redo my internship. I just didn’t have it in me to return with my year now above me. Maybe in a couple of years when they’re further into their career, maybe then I could go back. But until then. I needed to just keep my job, save enough money and move out. I couldn’t go back home. I didn’t want to go back home. I didn’t want to stay with Keaton forever either. He helped me out and was willing to let me stay while I needed to. It was getting to the point where I didn’t need to be there anymore.
Fuck, and then we got married. What were we thinking? Both too strong headed to back the fuck down like we should have done. Neither of us wanted to be the loser. But now look at both of us. Married. Possibly pregnant with another man’s baby and burning the once steady bridges around us.
Shit. This is fucked up.
Throwing my head into my hands I let out a heavy sigh. I didn’t want to cry, but I could feel the burn in my throat, the sting behind my eyes like a thousand needles.
“Ari,” Keaton’s voice blankets me like a thick velvet blanket and suddenly I feel safe and warm. I look up at him, blue eyes glassy as I let them sweep over his wet upper body. Torso shimmering with shower water, dark hair flattened to his toned chest and a dusting of hair disappearing into his white fluffy towel that is hugged around his waist. My thoughts subside momentarily and are replaced with the thought of running my tongue over his torso, lapping up the droplets of water that run down his tanned skin. To feel the silkiness of him on my tongue.
“Yup,” I look up at him, eyes burning into his beautiful green emeralds.
“Are you okay? You’ve seemed a little quiet since breakfast,” and I hear a small ounce of defeat in his voice. I nod.
“Just trying to wrap my head round all of this.” A laugh catches at the back of my throat. “What the fuck did we do last night?” I shake my head from side to side and stand, Keaton closing the gap between us as his hand cups my cheek.
“We got married baby,” he cocks his head to the side, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his lips and I lean into his hand, letting my eyes flutter shut for just a moment.
“We’re stupid.”
“Maybe,” he chuckles softly, “but honestly, tell me… are you mad about it?”
My lids lift, my eyes widening as I stare at him, mouth opening and closing.
“Are you?” he presses, his tone dark and slow and delicious.
“No,” I manage a whisper, “are you?”
“Not one fucking bit baby,” he pauses for a moment as his thumb pad brushes against my flamed cheek. “But if you want an annulment, or a divorce… or whatever it is. Then I will do it. If that’s what you want.” His eyes dance with mine and I press up onto my tip toes and kiss him softly; my hand on his steady heartbeat, my fingers soaking up the now cold shower water and I let my nerves absorb every ounce of him into my soul.
He was an addiction that I knew I had to curb, but I couldn’t. He was my drug and I wanted and needed him constantly, every waking moment my thoughts were on him, counting down the hours until my fingers were on his skin, our tongues were dancing together, our lips locked as our hearts entwined as one. We shouldn’t work. But we do. I have never wanted anything as much as I want Keaton Mills. It was wrong. We both knew it. But we were both addicts and we didn’t want to quit.
I break away, stepping back as my stomach twists.
“I need to pop to the store, you stay here and I’ll meet you back in the room shortly okay?” I rush out and begin walking to the door, grabbing my bag as I do.
“I’ll come with you, hold up.”