Page 7 of The Betrayal
“Have you used all of this?” My cheeks flame scarlet red and I am mortified. My silence tells him all.
“Shit,” he hisses, and now he is back to pacing.
The tension grows but he finally stands in front of me, clasping my face in his large hands and my heart stutters in my chest.
“I won’t tell your dad… but in return, I want you to introduce me to Lucy.” He licks his lips and they twitch into a soft smirk and my eyes flutter shut as I let out a shaky breath.
I nod.
“Good girl,” and my stomach flips as his low, growly voice rasps over me.
He lets me go and I walk towards the door, not looking back as I go to find Lucy. My head spins quickly as thoughts whizz through.
All my dad’s friends are hot.
I wasn’t blind.
But there was always something about Keaton that I gravitated towards. It’s a no-go zone for both of us.
He was my dad’s best friend.
It was always the five of us. Me, Dad, Nate, Keaton and Kaleb. The men that helped bring me up.
But Keaton would never help with diaper changes or anything like that. His help was solely on occasional school drop offs and he was my dance recital cheerleader, but that was only if my dad couldn’t make it and it was rare that my dad wasn’t there.
My dad always said Keaton wasn’t a kid kind of guy. Plus, he was married to a witch, and he was with her most of the time so I very rarely saw Keaton until I was in my teens. He had sacked his wife off, or so he says, and he was around a lot more.
He was the definition of tall, dark, handsome.
Beautiful green eyes that looked blue in some lights. Dark, long hair that had a light curl when it grew too long, his skin was lightly tanned and he had a killer jaw. Angled and defined. Sharp and chiselled. Moulded perfectly. He always had girls falling at his feet. He was confident and that oozed out of him.
Lucy runs towards me, a glint of a smile on her face.
“What the fuck, who was that hunk?” she looks past me.
“My dad’s best friend…” I trail off.
“The dad’s best friend…” she wiggles her brows in a knowing manner.
I nod.
“Well… shit,” she rolls her lips.
“He said he won’t tell my dad,” I shrug, “so I suppose that’s something.”
“It is.”
“But what?” her eyes are bouncing back and forth between mine.
“He wants me to introduce you to him; for him to keep my secret, that’s what he wants.”
“Little fucker,” she laughs softly, “and you’re okay with that?”
“Yeah of course,” my voice jumps a little higher, “go for it. Come, I’ll take you to him.”
I ignore the burn in my throat, the way my stomach coils and tightens as I get closer to where Keaton is waiting.