Page 77 of The Betrayal
Me: Hey baby, you okay?
I place my phone screen up on the table of the bar we’re sitting in just as I see Dex walk through the door with Sage and Arizona and my heart stills for just a moment. High waisted jeans, pretty ditsy daisy cropped top and high-top converse.
She always looks beautiful, but she is glowing tonight.
And she is mine in every sense of the word.
My wife.
Mother of our baby.
Never did I think I would be married again, but here I am. In Vegas, where anything could happen, and fate decided that I was ready for a wife that loved me as much as I loved her. Even though I know I love her so much more than she loves me, but we’re not going to get into that right now.
She really was my world, and I know Titus is going to be upset with me, heck he will be mad and angry, but he only needs to see the way I look at her, the way that she is my priority and the way that she has molded me into a better person for all of that anger and upset to leave him. I really do hope he doesn’t try and stop us from being together because even if he tried to put distance between us, it wouldn’t stop me. I don’t care if it’ll rip our years of friendship into nothing more than shreds on the floor, I will always choose her. Always.
She’s my baby.
My blossom.
My world.
She trumps all.
“Hey handsome,” she wraps her arms around me, lips pressed to my ear. My heart thumps in my chest and heat swarms through me.
“Hey beautiful, I missed you,” kissing her softly, I am grateful that I can be myself around her and there are people here who are on my side. I know this must be tough for Killian, but he is here. Titus is mad at him too and I am not going to let him take the wrath of Titus and I am sure that he wouldn’t like me to take the full wrath of Titus either.
“I missed you more,” she whispers, kissing me back and all I want to do is take her back to our hotel and love her with all I have. “You hungry?” she asks as she pulls away.
“Not for food,” I wiggle my brows and she swats her hand against my chest. She tries to walk away but I reach for her, grabbing around her waist and pulling her back. Just having my fingers on her beautiful skin is enough to make me hard and I am gagging for it.
She sits on the stool next to Reese and they fall into easy conversation and Dex gives me a pat on the back.
“You alright?” he asks, taking a sip of his manly looking cocktail.
It’s not manly. It’s sort of pink, creamy looking with a couple of umbrellas sticking out the top. Not going to lie though, it looks delicious. Might order it next.
“Yeah, I think so,” I smile taking a sip of my mojito.
“Not sure if Arizona has said or not, but Sage is expecting too. She is a couple months ahead of Ari, so always here if you want to have a chat,” he offers, and I am grateful.
“Thanks,” I turn to face him, “I appreciate that man, it’s so hard because Titus—Ari’s dad—is one of my best friends… his wife is also pregnant, I think around four months? I don’t know, he sends us updates every week but anyway, I’m falling off topic. So yeah, I would love to talk to him about it, a bit of common ground, but it’s not like I can call him up be like ‘hey dude, this has happened what did you do blah blah,” cos I’ve got his baby pregnant.”
Yes, I know it may not be mine, but it will be, I know it.
“Ah mate, that’s tough, well look… I’ll be your daddy friend if you want. I am learning each day and it’ll be nice to speak to another man instead of having to listen to my wife talk about her baby chats she’s in,” he laughs. “Her and Ari seem to have really hit it off and I am grateful, because she has always struggled to make girlfriends, not sure why, but her and Ari seem very similar.”
I nod in agreement.
“Ari has always struggled. I know she is close to Connie and Reese but that’s only been since Connie started dating Kaleb, my twin, and Reese came along with Killian as he is Connie’s dad and Reese is Connie’s best friend…” and I pause for a moment and Dex looks like he is trying to get to grips with what I have just said, as if playing on loop in his mind.
“I know, it’s all a bit fucked up to be honest.”
“And you married and got your best friend’s daughter pregnant.”