Page 24 of Surrender
“I cannot! That is so not the same thing, sir.”
I grinned. “Just wait until you really get to know Jess. You’ll see what I mean when I say I wanna put her up for adoption sometimes at her big age.”
“Something tells me you’d be the first running to get her back.”
“I would. She can be a pain in the ass, but that’s my baby.”
“Her husband will have a lot to live up to.”
“If she ever decides to settle down, he needs to know he’s getting a menace.”
Our server finally returned with our food. We’d gone with traditional Greek food since we wanted to embody the experience. I went with the sea bass with stuffed risotto basil oil, and stuffed pumpkin flowers with sour cream and chili, while Kachelle had Caramelized chicken with peppers, sesame, baby potatoes, and cheese cream.
We ate and got to know each other a little as far as each other’s likes and dislikes. I learned that her favorite color was pink, she loved R&B music, her favorite form of self-care was getting a massage along with getting her nails and feet done.
That was a habit I’d happily fund. I had a thing for nice hands and feet, and she had both. Seeing a pretty set of nails wrapped around my dick or a pretty set of feet on my shoulders did something to me. Of course, I didn’t say that to her, but she would find out soon enough.
She told me she was allergic to cats, but she loved dogs and dreamed of owning a pair of Pugs named Barkly and Pawly.
I chuckled. “Barkly and Pawly?”
“Isn’t that adorable? I can see them running around now. My complex doesn’t allow pets so I’ve had to hold off on getting them.”
“Well, once we get a home, we can see about getting you a Barkly and Pawly.”
She smiled. “I never even asked if you were a dog person.”
“I like dogs. I had one growing up. His name was Shaq. He was this big-ass Siberian Husky. When Jessa was little, she used to ride his back.”
“I bet that was cute.”
“It was. He passed away when I went off to college, and I’ve never owned a dog since. Barkly and Pawly might be a nice addition to the family.”
“Speaking of family… I know we still have alot to learn about each other, but how anxious are you to bring kids into this?”
“While I’d love to impregnate you now, I want to enjoy being married for a while. There’s so much to explore about each other. I don’t wanna add the pressure of having kids too soon when we are really still learning how to co-exist.”
She blew a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you said that. I’m on birth control, and I take it religiously. I’ve never believed in having kids with just anybody. I’ve seen and heard too many nightmare stories.”
“I get it. I can assure you that if and when the time is right, I will be a very active and attentive father. You will be sick of me in your face.”
She giggled. “I couldn’t be. There is something so sexy about seeing a man be a father. If nothing else, it will make me fall more in love with you. Even with my dad acting the way he is right now, I’m a daddy’s girl. He was my first love. I want that for my babies. For you to be our daughter’s first love and our son’s first hero.”
I smiled as I reached for her hand. “I got you and them.”
I meant that. I’d been manifesting a healthy union for years now. I asked God to guide me in the ways of a husband and father. Like hers, my pops was trippin’ right now, but that was my dude. We had a close relationship, and normally, I told him everything.
I was sure it hurt him that I didn’t come to him with my plans to get married. Just like I knew, he wouldn’t have understood. He’d spoken to me so many times about the importance of building a good, solid relationship before marriage. I heard what he said and I would apply everything he taught me, just in my own way.
Those principles didn’t just apply when dating someone. Many marriages failed because people stop doing the things they did to get their partner when they finally got them. They got complacent just because they felt like they were already married, and their husband or wife wasn’t going anywhere.
That was exactly how people ended up being married and feeling single. This was my first marriage, and I wanted it to be my only. Kay and I were willing participants. The service of Arranged Hearts was not free by any means, neither was it a short process. I couldn’t see anybody paying for this service just to fuck around.
Maybe I didn’t know her yet, but I would.
It was bright and early the following morning.
Once we got back from the restaurant yesterday, our plan was to relax a little and then go out and see what the nightlife would bring us. Unfortunately, jetlag set in, and we were dead ass tired. After a four-hour drive to Atlanta to catch a fourteen-hour flight, we had every right to be tired. After a shower, we changed into something comfortable and climbed into bed.