Page 39 of Surrender
“He’s… everything, My. I don’t think I could have gotten a more perfect match.”
I couldn’t help but blush as I spoke. Jacob and I had really been in our own little bubble the last couple days. We’d barely left my apartment. I was sure it would be the same once we migrated to his place for the week.
“You’re glowing,” Myra stated. “Like radiating. I guess good dick will do that to you.”
“The dick is amazing, girl. It absolutely makes up for the voluntary drought I subjected myself to.”
“I know that snapback had you feeling like a virgin again.”
I giggled. “Girl, the first time he slid into me, I damn near lost my breath.”
“I don’t know why you even played with that man by taking your ass in that second bedroom in the first place. It was your wedding night. The first thing I would have done is consummate!”
“I was nervous! This whole thing was so untraditional. I wasn’t sure if I should sleep with him the first night.”
“The bed of marriage is undefiled.”
“That’s what I told myself!” I exclaimed.
We shared a laugh as she poured another glass of wine.
“So, the sister? You think you two will continue to get along?”
“I think so. They’re really close, so I expect her to be around a lot. She was hesitant at first, but I think she’s just protective over him. She said she’s seen bitches take advantage of his kind nature, so I can understand that. Honestly, I look forward to spending time with her. It might be fun having a little sister instead of being the little sister.”
“Well, I can’t wait to meet Mr. Mitchell. Damn, I have to get used to you having a man on me, bitch! We were supposed to be in these single streets together.”
“I mean… Arranged Hearts has a ninety-seven percent success rate. We can find you a husband, too.”
She waved me off. “No, thank you. I’d rather meet my man the old fashion way. With my luck, I’ll be in the three percent, and then I’ll be in jail cause run me my money back.”
I rolled my eyes.
“For real though, Chelly… what made you choose this crazy ass way of getting married?”
I sighed. “I’m getting older. The dating pool has been real shallow, and the pickings have been slim. I got tired of running into the same niggas in different bodies, My. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me. I’ll be honest: when I saw the ad for Arranged Hearts, my initial thought was you’d have to be crazy to marry a complete stranger. Then I fell down the rabbit hole doing research on their process and packages. I read samples of their questionnaires, and they ask the shit we need to be asking these niggas. They went so much deeper than what attracts you to a person. They really want to match their clients based on compatibility first.”
“Sounds interesting. Well, you know I love you and if he ever gets outta line and you need an alibi, I got you.”
I shook my head as I giggled. “Thanks, girl.”
“Don’t thank me yet. I’m still mad you didn’t tell me anything, but I’m not gonna let it ruin our friendship. Even with that being said, you have a lot of making up to do. I’m thinking we can start with the next month of lunch dates on you and work our way from there.”
I rolled my eyes. “That’s fair.”
“And I’ma need a spa day.”
“I got you.”
“You running the fuck out now!”
She laughed loudly. “Last one. I promise. You have to let me throw you a proper post-bachelorette party, and I don’t wanna hear no shit. You didn’t let me be a part of the process, so I deserve this.”
I raised my hands in mock surrender. “Fine, My. Have at it.”
She clapped her hands in excitement. “Great! Wait until you see what I plan! We’re getting fucked up!”