Page 63 of Surrender
He gave her a comforting smile, then walked away. She heaved a sigh of relief. I turned to my husband and buried my face in his chest. He held me tightly, stroking my back in a soothing manner. I was so grateful to have him here in this moment. If I’d gotten the call while I was alone, I wasn’t sure I would have been able to hold it together to drive.
After what seemed like forever, a nurse came to fetch us. Ebony and my mother went back first. For what seemed like forever, I waited for my turn. I sat with sweaty palms and that annoying leg shake I got whenever I was nervous. Jacob’s hand wrapped gently around my thigh.
“Relax, love. You can’t go back there in distress. He’s your father. He can feel that on you.”
“I just need him to live, Jacob. If things take a turn, I can’t let him leave this world with anger between us. I need him to know I love him.”
“He knows. No matter what happens between you two, he’ll always know you love him.”
“He’s right, boo,” Myra said, grabbing my hand. “Love between a parent and child knows no end.”
I sighed and nodded. After a few more minutes, my mother and sister came back around the corner sniffling. Jacob stood and pulled me to my feet. We followed the nurse down the hall to the elevators and took it up to the second floor. My hand tightened around his as we passed several doors before coming to a stop in front of number two thirty-four.
She opened the door, and I took a deep breath before stepping inside. My father looked peaceful like he was simply sleeping. One would never guess the trauma his body had just experienced if it weren’t for the head wrap.
I walked over to him with trembling lips.
“Daddy?” I whispered.
Gently, I cupped his face and kissed his cheek.
“Daddy, you have to come home. I love you, and I need you.”
I eased into bed beside him and curled up next to him the same way I used to do when I was a little girl. Closing my eyes, I said a prayer of my own. I prayed that if God would spare him, I’d never go so long without speaking to him or my mother again. It didn’t matter if he was wrong. The fact that he could be snatched away from me without a moment’s notice made me forgive him.
Maybe… just maybe, when he woke up, he’d see things in a different light, too.
It had been a week and a half since Mr. Lewis had his heart attack, and he was still asleep. The doctor had taken him off the sedatives, but now it was up to him to wake up. My baby was distraught. She hadn’t been to work and spent every single visitation by his side along with her mother. The only other place she’d gone was to the signing of the papers for our house.
Guilt over not speaking to him was eating her up. While I felt she had nothing to feel guilty over, I couldn’t say that to her. However, communication was a two-way street. Her parents hadn’t reached out to her before now either.
I remained the supportive husband I was called to be. I held her when she cried herself to sleep. I came to sit with her some days. I made sure she ate, even if I had to feed her myself. When she didn’t have the energy to bathe herself, I did it for her.
Today was day eleven of Mr. Lewis’ hospital stay. I had to get some writing done since I was on a deadline, but I took my lunch break to take her some food. I’d gone to her favorite place and grabbed a good bit off the menu since I was sure her mom and sister were there was well.
When I walked into the room, the three of them were curled up in various corners, sleeping softly. I walked over to Kay and kissed her forehead. She jumped awake.
“It’s just me, love,” I said softly.
She groggily sat up and rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?”
“Almost one. I brought y’all some food.”
“Thank you, baby.” She cupped my face and kissed me softly.
“How is he?”
She sighed. “No change. I just want him to wake up. I don’t care if he’s mad at me, yells at me, calls me everything but a child of God… I need him to wake up.”
“He will,” I assured her. “You just have to keep faith. And give yourself a break. Why don’t you grab your mom and sister and y’all go eat outside. I think the fresh air will do you all some good.”
“I don’t wanna leave him alone.”
“I’ll stay with him.”
“No. I know you need to get back?—”
“I’m right where I need to be. Go eat. Soak up some sun. I’ll be right here.”