Page 121 of All In
“I need to touch base with Bless too,” Locke says. “I’m not sure what to do about the missing product in Chicago.” He sighs. “I thought I got to Will quickly enough that he wouldn’t have had time to pass on that information. Apparently, it wasn’t fast enough.” His head shakes. “It didn’t take me more than a few hours to realize the video wasn’t Laken. If they have any sense, they should be able to determine she couldn’t have been both kidnapped and in Chicago to steal product from Will, but they’ve never been the most astute individuals.”
“We’ll handle it.”
“Someone needs to secure her sister’s car and empty Laken’s apartment,” he says, like it’s news to me. “I’m willing to forfeit everything I left behind, but I knew when I left Chicago that I wouldn’t be going back. Laken didn’t have that same luxury.”
“We also need to secure you a new identity. Possibly Laken also, but that would nullify our marriage. I’ll have to see exactly what Merrick recommends.” I sigh, mentally running through all the things that need to be done. None of this is helping my migraine. “I’ll see about paying her bills for the next several months to avoid any problems that might arise from that. Assurance Security has teams in Chicago. I’m just not sure if that’s something we should outsource versus handling ourselves.”
Locke shrugs. “I have no problem going back to Chicago to clean up, but I would say there’s a good possibility my family has people in place to alert them if Laken or I show up.”
If nothing else, it’s convenient that Locke and I have a similar thought process. It also puts me at ease knowing he’s just as vicious as I am, especially since Tanner is not.
“I don’t think it’s wise for any of us to be seen in Chicago for the foreseeable future.” I finally stop scrubbing my arms and eye the shower stalls. “You touch base with Bless. I’ll reach out to Mercer and check in with the facility in Florida. Lyra’s location should be a secret, but I’m not in the business of hoping for the best. I have a team on the way that will stay close in case an emergency arises, but I don’t foresee the rehab allowing them to stay on site.”
“No,” he says. “Probably not.”
Now to shower and find something for this never-ending headache.
I briefly consider banging my head against the table as I get the runaround from the facility Lyra is in.
My elbows rest against my desk as I cradle my aching skull in my hands. The facility coordinator who I spoke to when scheduling Laken’s call is not available, and the best the secretary can do is to promise me a callback.
My door opens, and Laken comes inside my office. She shuffles up to stand at my side and offers a hand.
I glance at it dubiously but place my fingers in hers and allow her to tug me out of my chair. “Where are we going?”
“To the sofa,” she says, tugging me behind her. The soft material of her dress clings to her hips, and if my head wasn’t throbbing quite so badly, then my cock likely would be.
She spins around and turns me until my back is toward the cushions before giving my hips a shove.
I fall against the couch, and my curls fall into my eyes as I look up at her. It might be time for a haircut.
Laken climbs into my lap, burying her face in my throat and her hands in my hair.
Hmm, maybe it’s not time for a trim.
“You smell stressed.”
“Just a bit of a headache that won’t quit,” I admit, wrapping my arms around her.
“I love Karma. She’s precious and adorable. Thank you for saying yes.” She kisses my jaw.
I barely hold myself back from admitting that I didn’t say yes.
My men committed mutiny, and we’re now stuck with a ten- to fourteen-year commitment.
“She is cute,” I concede. “But we will be keeping up with her training. No crying and complaining when she has to spend three weeks at her behavioral refresher once or twice a year.”
“She’s not just a family pet,” Laken murmurs, moving her hand to run through my stubble. It’s so long, it might qualify as a short beard, but I may keep it if she likes it. I generally allow it to grow to this length before shaving to bare skin and allowing the process to repeat. “I get that, but she’s so sweet.”
“Yes, I’m sure. Until she spends all night in her kennel, howling and whining like the end of the world is upon us.”
“Aww, you are cranky.” She chuckles. “That’s okay. I know it’s a lot.” She cuddles even closer.
My nose twitches as her soothing pheromones flood the air. My chest gets warm, and a ragged purr vibrates out.
“I love feeling that,” Laken says, running her hand over my chest. “Let’s just snuggle for a few minutes.” She yawns. “I can’t figure out why I’m so tired all the time.”
“It’s likely your body adapting to the pregnancy,” I murmur, running my hand down her spine. “It takes a lot of extra energy to grow a human being from a simple collection of cells.”