Page 7 of The Hookup Mix-up
“No, you’re so fucking drunk.”
“I haven’t had a drink at all.”
“I haven’t had a drink at all,” I counter, then dissolve into laughter. “You’re right. I’m so fucking drink. I mean drunk! Shhhh.” I lean in closer. He smells like cologne, and for some reason, I inhale again. It’s woodsy and spicy, something I really like. I’ll have to ask him what scent it is so I can buy some, but right now I’m not worried about that. “You can’t tell anyone where the secret smoke room key is.”
He uses his free hand to cross his heart, making me realize I’m still holding his hand. I let go just as he says, “You can trust me.”
Strangely, I feel like I can, which makes absolutely no sense. He might have saved me from sudden death, or you know, a two-foot fall, but I don’t know Perry at all. “Don’t make me regret this.”
I reach up and grab the key that’s resting on top of the doorframe. Not real creative, but I doubt anyone wants to break into our shed.
I unlock the door and hurry Perry inside. Luckily, neither of my roommates is out here. I turn on the lamp, which rests on the small table. Our four beanbag chairs sit in a circle, our bong in the middle.
Perry laughs.
“Do you pray to the pot gods in this place?”
“Are you not a believer?” I joke. I’m really not someone who smokes a lot of weed, but I do like to partake from time to time, and tonight is one of those times. “I’ll give you my chair but only because I like you.”
“You can sit on my lap if you want,” he teases, which is…odd, but whatever.
“You’re weird.”
“No, you are.”
“I know.” I grin, sit down in Jack’s chair, and point to mine for Perry.
We have a plastic drawer set, which I open and pull out a metal tin with weed in it.
“Holy shit. I can’t believe you guys keep this out here.”
I shrug. “You’re the first person who doesn’t live in the house to see the secret smoke shed.” Shit. Why did I bring him here? This isn’t like me at all.
I pull out the supplies and begin rolling a blunt.
“So, you live here?” Perry asks.
“Yep. It’s Jack’s house, and me, Avery, and Casey rent rooms from him.”
“And you go to FU?” When I groan, Perry quirks a brow. “Okay, sore topic. Got it.”
“It’s not that. It’s just…I’m shit at school. I think I want to be here. I have fun here, but, like…I’m going for a business degree because I don’t know what else to do, and my parents are so fucking proud, and all I can do is wonder how things got so out of hand.” I frown and look at him. “Why am I saying this to you? Maybe because you’re not my friend.”
Perry laughs. “Um…thanks?”
I roll my eyes. “That’s not what I mean. I just don’t know you, so I don’t feel like you can judge me, but I’m gonna shut up now because tonight is supposed to be fun and not about all the heavy shit. We’re going to smoke a fat blunt, get high, and keeping it real, I’ll probably pass out after that.”
“Hmm. Well, that last part sucks for me, but just FYI, if you ever wanna talk, I’m down. I probably won’t do much of it myself, but I’m a good listener.”
For a reason I can’t explain, I beam at him. I want to be Perry’s friend, want to have someone else to talk to, but then everything he said clicks into place. “How is that fair if I talk to you but you don’t talk to me?”
“Maybe I don’t have anything to talk about.” He looks away, playing with the simple chain necklace he’s wearing.
“Everyone has something to talk about. Wait, we’re talking about heavy shit again. I just want to have fuuuuuuun. Stop poking at my insides.”