Page 34 of When Kings Rise
Ronan steps in before things escalate further. “There is no need for that,” he says, pushing us apart.
Amira returns, her arrival marked by the practical items in her hands—a washcloth, a water pitcher, and a glass. Her posture, one hip jutted out, an eyebrow lifted, speaks volumes, her words cutting through the tense silence. "Either you three have become really close and cuddly, or I missed a fight."
Her comment, light yet pointed, draws no response from us. She moves to the side table, setting down her washcloth and pitcher.
She places the cloth on Wolf’s forehead, and he groans again. When none of us move, Amira glances at me. “I can watch over him until he wakes.”
“No,” I say immediately.
“She’s right. Let her watch over him so we can return before people start to notice,” Ronan says. If it was Lorcan after his smart-ass comment about Amira, I would be saying no again, but I glance at Amira, who nods at me.
“Go,” she says.
With a final nod, we file out of the room. The reminder of Selene and Niamh leaving has me walking down the stairs.
“Come, we can have a drink,” Lorcan calls from behind me.
"I have somewhere I need to be," I tell him, my mind already steps ahead of my body.
I find myself outside of Selene's house. The knowledge of where each of my Brides lives is something I found out before they even met me. Selene's home, a converted garage beside her grandparents' house, stands quiet under the night sky.
Knocking on her door, I'm met not with the warm welcome one might hope for but with annoyance. Her expression is clear; her willingness to entertain me, markedly less so.
“May I come in?” I ask as she folds her arms across her chest. Her dress from earlier has been swapped for denim jeans and a loose-fitting sweater.
“No.” Selene barks.
I raise my brow. “You know you can’t stop me from coming in.” I remind her of my power here.
"If I can’t stop you from doing whatever you want, then don’t fucking ask. Selene fires back, her voice sharp enough to stir the quiet of the night, catching the attention of a neighbor. A light flashes in the dark, and I take another step toward her, but she doesn’t back away from the door.
It’s clear she doesn't want me in her home, but I’m not giving up. “Let’s take a drive, then.” I offer an olive branch.
Her expression morphs, showing her discomfort at the thought of being alone with me.
I grit my teeth, not one to bow to the whim of a woman. But I want to know what has made Selene so upset.
“A brief walk down the street. A public place.”
She unfolds her arms and lets out a heavy huff. “Fine, wait here.” She closes the door in my face. She doesn’t keep me waiting for long before she appears with a heavy pair of brown outdoor boots and a heavy cream jacket thrown over her sweater.
“I see you and Niamh have bonded,” I start.
“She’s very nice.” Selene weighs each word.
“And Amira?” I ask.
Selene glances at me now, her gaze intelligent and yet concealed. “You seem to like her.”
I hide a smile. Is that jealousy I detect? “I like all three of you.”
“Why are you here?” she asks. From meeting her the first three times, my impression of her was that she was always controlled—but not tonight. I wonder what transpired. But I had pegged her as the troublemaker.
“To find out why two of my Brides left so abruptly.”
Selene starts walking again. “The night was almost over, and I was tired. So, you came all this way to find out why I left?”
I came for more than one reason. I wanted to get away from Wolf and my brothers' disapproving looks.