Page 10 of Controlled
My cock twitched thinking about the girl from hours before dancing in the blue light. I’d captured one lovely girl years before, keeping her as my pet. She’d enjoyed the arrangement at first but had left without a word months later. Still, I’d found myself missing her more than I’d believed I would after she’d left. She’d grounded me.
Come to think of it, she’d been a dancer as well, although strictly pole dancing in the club I used to frequent. “Maybe.”
“Trust me. It will do your black soul some good.”
Maybe that wasn’t what I wanted in my life.
“Keeping something in mind. We don’t do anything for free, gentlemen,” our younger brother reminded us. “But tonight is still important in our swanky world. And perhaps Styx is right. You could use a little taming. You’re rough around the edges.”
“Is that what you’re using Josie for?” I barked in return. Easton’s beast would catch up with him sooner versus later and I feared what would happen when it did. For all his posturing about not needing the darkness to fulfill him as a person, I knew the real man inside, the one hungering for the same primal life I’d embraced.
Suddenly, I could feel the very beast I’d mentioned rising to the surface all over again, demanding more than just a pound of flesh. It was either putting together a hunt, capturing a beautiful and innocent soul to keep, or going mad. There were no other options.
“She’s a lovely placeholder and a friend. You know that,” Easton said under his breath as Josie flanked his side.
“Did we miss anything, boys?” she asked, completely unaware she was in the lair of three brutal savages.
Emily winked as she shot us all a knowing look.
“Not a thing, ladies,” I said with a polite nod as the lights flashed indicating the show was about ready to start. I was as troubled about Carlos and his odd behavior as my brothers were. However, I had other business to handle given what Paul and his buddies had done.
Easton shook his head as Josie stuck her arm under his, both walking away. Somehow, Emily knew to wait on the side.
“Maybe I’ll hire you as an assassin to handle getting rid of some assholes.”
He exhaled, sipping on his champagne. “It’s been months since I returned to healing people and I’m happy with what I’m doing.”
“Are you certain of that, brother? I know what you’re made of. Remember?”
“Don’t make a jab at me that you’ll regret, brother. I’m very happy with my life now. Maybe it’s time you get your affairs in order.”
He was a very dangerous man, more so than he cared to admit, but I’d begun to admire his willpower to walk away from the darkness. I’d thought about it but wasn’t certain I was capable of doing so. Not that I’d admit that to anyone. “I hope you enjoy your peanut butter and jelly kind of life to the fullest.”
It was a phrase Easton had come up with as a kid, a way of talking about the kind of lives we’d seen on sitcoms. However much Styx wanted it, murder and mayhem would always be in our blood.
He laughed but I could tell I’d annoyed him as usual. “One thing I will say,” Styx added quietly. “I’ve heard the Italian mafia leader we thought was happily staying in his own lane has been chatting with the Italian prick from New York. That could be trouble. They’ve wanted to step on our parade for years.”
Exhaling, I nodded. “Good to know, bro, but I’m a little surprised you haven’t been too busy saving lives to pay attention to the world around us. Are you certain you wouldn’t prefer taking a bigger role in our illustrious operation?”
“Not a chance. You’re doing just fine. You know I observe everything and will pipe in with my recommendations when you dive off the deep end. Just because I prefer saving lives versus taking them doesn’t mean I don’t keep my eye on the ball. Or that I don’t talk to my old buddies every once in a while. Just remember that when you’re king, there will always be those who will try and toss you off your platform. We have everything to lose and nothing to gain.”
“Such a pessimist. I’m surprised. You have me curious. What if a hunt is needed?” I was pleasantly shocked when his eyes flashed in a way I hadn’t seen since we were kids. I couldn’t remember the last time we’d all been involved. Oh, yes, I could.
The day we’d hunted, captured, tortured, and killed our own father.
“You do know our father killed our mother. Don’t you?” Why I’d chosen to blurt it out now was beyond me other than maybe I needed a cleansing of my soul. Oh, hell, no.
Whether or not Easton overheard me I wasn’t certain but Styx’s eyes flashed. He crowded my space, shaking his head. “It’s one of the things I feel guilty about, Creed, but the past is the past. Would I handle our father’s demise the same way we did all those years ago?”
“Don’t lie to me,” I challenged.
“You have no understanding of humanity, brother, which concerns me. Yes, I would do it again because that bastard deserved to die for what he did. But that won’t bring her back nor will it ease our anger or conscience. Only living a better life will. That’s something you should consider.”
We’d sparred so often about so many things. I was used to quarreling with him but it was possible he was right. “You didn’t answer the question, Styx. Would you be interested in engaging in a hunt even if it was for the last time?” I could tell he was confused about his answer.
I waited for a few seconds, still enjoying my flute of champagne before placing the crystal stem on one of the silver trays as a waiter walked by. I loathed the Italians just like my father had. They were put in their place fifteen years before, a reminder that our family owned the city. I was almost surprised they’d reared their head after all this time, but greed did have a powerful effect on people, women included.
“We shall see, brother, if it’s necessary. Let’s enjoy the ballet.” He kept his smirky expression when he walked away, following the others.