Page 102 of Controlled
“Are you serious?”
“I never joke about business.”
“I’d say…” I gave him a heated look. “I’ll consider it.” Actually, I was more excited than perhaps I should be but it would be an awesome transition when I could no longer dance as I was able to right now.
“Good. Now, what if you were handed millions of dollars. What would you choose to do with it?”
“Is that a trick question?”
He walked even closer until he was only a few inches away. I found myself swooning. “I don’t do that either, perfect dancer.”
“Then I’d say I’d set up scholarships for arts of all ages to be able to work with your brilliant facility to provide them with awesome opportunities.”
“Very noble.”
“I try to be.”
“And what if that money came from less than reputable sources?”
“Now, I know you’re asking trick questions,” I told him as I pressed my hand against his chest. “You?”
“You already know I’m a very bad man. I’m talking about someone else.”
“Okay, now you’re losing me. Exactly what are we talking about?”
I could tell he was hesitant but there was still a twinkle in his eyes. “When you read this, I’m going to ask you to take a step back and allow me to make some recommendations as well as filling in some of the blanks.” He pulled out the envelope and I felt a little flutter in my heart.
“O-kay. I can do that.”
He placed my hand around the envelope, giving me a nod before walking away.
When I opened it, I wasn’t certain what to expect but it certainly wasn’t what I found.
There was no telling how many minutes had passed or how many times I’d read over the information but when I finally lifted my head, locking eyes with Creed, I had a slightly better understanding of his world.
Especially since my own flesh and blood had wanted me dead.
“How do you feel about a trip to New York?” he finally asked. “I assure you there’s nothing like the element of surprise.”
I thought about his question and sighed. But the answer was easy. “When do we leave?”
I wasn’t in the habit of laying low nor had I ever been interested in playing games of any sort. However, the three days since I’d provided Bella with some interesting documentation had been necessary, mostly to get our ducks in a row. Walter had proven himself to be quite the attorney after all, the two meetings we’d had with him more than helpful.
We understood the laws in New York, the requirements for various transfers of funds and what would need to happen to aid Bella in her takeover. Through it all, Bella had remained strong. I grinned from the seat beside her, the subterfuge hiding the necessary time spent on putting everything into place.
While at first, she’d been a little doe-eyed, which was certainly understandable when you learned you were worth several hundred million dollars, she’d shown the kind of backbone few men could in her position.
Most shocking of all was the hardening I’d seen her do in such a short period of time. She’d absorbed everything I’d told her, relishing the conversations. Far too much so in my opinion, which is why I’d set a few things in motion to try to soften her sudden foray into the darkness.
After everything that had occurred, I didn’t want her becoming jaded or more like me. I needed the light that encompassed her. I craved the joy I’d found from sharing food and a good laugh. I wanted more of it. In fact, I’d almost insisted she remain at the hotel, but the strong woman was having none of it, insisting I take her shopping, which I had.
The outfit she’d chosen to wear on this day had my mouth watering. For a young woman of twenty-seven, she looked more sophisticated and beautiful than a princess. And very businesslike for someone about to come into her inheritance.
“Is everything in order, Walter?” I asked. He’d enjoyed the thought of taking the trip with us, especially since the New York attorney handling the Marcello estate was an old rival of his.
“All set. I confirmed the time and no, they have no clue we’re coming. Oh, and your reporter friend is on the up and up.”