Page 108 of Controlled
“You know me too well.”
Everyone had nightmares. It didn’t matter how happy or wealthy you were or if you kept skeletons locked away in the darkest parts of your closets. We all feared something that kept us awake at night.
I knew what Creed’s fear was without him telling me. It had been similar to mine. We’d feared we’d never find love because we weren’t good enough.
Since the day spent with my mother, she’d become more of her old self, the medicine providing her with more of an opportunity to enjoy aspects of her life. While we’d never discussed my father again, I’d sensed she’d finally made peace with the lost love as I had with her anger toward me.
She had loved me in her own way but hadn’t been taught how to express it.
Creed had longed for his father’s love and the man’s praise. Instead, he’d gotten the man’s anger and hatred of himself.
While we were both still healing, the light in him was often as blinding as it was beautiful.
And I was madly in love with him.
“I thought we had somewhere to go before we went home.”
He grinned as he stopped the car, putting the gear into park. By now the sun was starting to set, the light breeze of the spring day adding a slight chill to the air all day, but I adored this time of year.
“Yes, this is the place.”
I stared out the windshield, uncertain what I was seeing. Then it suddenly dawned on me. “This is where your father went hunting.”
“Yes, it is.”
I turned my head and I could tell the moment was bittersweet. He hadn’t mentioned it for months.
“Come with me, Bella. I can’t right all the wrongs that occurred in the past. I also can’t promise you I’ll be everything you hope I’ll be, but I do want to continue being a better man for you and hopefully for our growing family one day. Both you and my brother were right that the only way to do so was to let go of the past. This is the final piece.”
I took a deep breath, stepping from the car. Almost instantly several incredible scents hit me.
He waited as I walked toward him, a sheepish look on his face. The man was full of surprises. After wrapping his arm around me, he led me through a group of trees to a clearing. I gasped as soon as he did, shocked at what I was seeing. The garden was huge, complete with pathways and several water features, the sound of trickling water so soothing. Flowers of every color and cherry trees with their pink blossoms lined a beautiful area with benches and reflective pools.
I squealed and skipped down one pathway to another, spinning around in a full circle. “This is gorgeous.” While plenty of people would find the area macabre given what had occurred here, I knew that this was just another way of allowing him to heal.
And to become a better man.
“No more hunts,” he said as he walked closer.
“No more?” I repeated, shifting toward him. The magnet and electricity were as ripe and amazing as they had ever been.
He shook his head. “Nope.”
“Hmmm… What if I want one more little hunt?”
“Not going to happen.”
I bit my lower lip, winking before taking off running. I should have known not to go up against such a powerful man like Creed. Within seconds, he’d captured me for a second time, pinning me against a massive oak tree. As he planted his hands on either side of me, lowering his head, I took a deep breath and was almost instantly intoxicated by his incredible aftershave.
“You enjoy being disobedient. Don’t you?” he growled.
“Yes, I do.”
“Then I guess I’m going to need to continue disciplining you.”