Page 14 of Controlled
I noticed what the mystery man was carrying. They appeared to be two dozen sterling silver roses, my absolute favorites. “I’ve never seen him before.”
“Well, he’s intent on knowing you. Be careful, girlfriend. I think that hunk of a man might just bite.” He nuzzled my neck, even blowing in my ear. Jonas adored teasing me relentlessly.
“Stop it, silly man. You’ll be at the party?” I asked, trying to keep my wits about me as the man’s eyes pierced mine. He was more handsome than before, his tuxedo likely costing more than the yearly cost for my apartment, which was pricy.
“Of course, darling, although I’m certain I’ll be fashionably late. However, I wouldn’t miss all those rich assholes for the world. Mom and Dad just want to take me out for a quick bite as a celebration. I think the world just turned on its axis.”
“Maybe your dad is coming around.”
“Maybe he has a hidden agenda as usual. I would ask you to come but I can see you have a hottie waiting for me to leave.”
A small part of me wanted to stop him from leaving but I was a big girl. I could handle the situation, even if the mystery man recognized me. There was something about him that seemed so familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on why.
“Very funny. Go enjoy. Maybe your dad will prove you wrong.”
“And maybe pigs really do fly in the winter. Count on needing to buy me a drink when I arrive at the party.”
I couldn’t help but notice Jonas gave the guest a solid onceover before leaving, giving me his thumbs-up as approval.
A lump had already formed in my throat as the stranger lifted his head, his heated gaze just like I’d remembered from the club. He took a step closer, and I was struck by his incredible scent. A man didn’t have the right to both look amazing in a tuxedo while smelling like sin wrapped in expensive attire. The touch of exotic spices and a species of wood I couldn’t identify had already ignited my senses.
As well as my core, something that hadn’t happened in a long time. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a date let alone hot sex. I was twenty-seven, for God’s sake, and I could count the decent experiences on part of one hand.
The strangest images floated into the back of my mind and they were all extremely dirty. What was going on with me? It had been forever since I’d had sex, but really? Okay, so the man was hot as Hades, evoking another powerful round of longing.
Why in God’s name was I thinking such filthy thoughts when for all I knew, he was one of the rich benefactors I was supposed to be nice to? Maybe in return, flowers were presented to all the female dancers. I slowly stood, trying to keep my wits about me. It was more important than ever to try to pretend I’d never seen him before.
I had to keep my dirty little secret for my mother’s sake.
“Sweet Bella.” His deep voice was husky, completely sensual and the way he said my name created a scintillating feeling of full arousal.
Swallowing, I did what I could to regain my composure as I turned around, offering a kind smile. “Yes, I’m Bella. Do you know me?”
“I know you’re a fabulous dancer.”
He made me blush. “Thank you. Are those for me?”
“Absolutely, although I must admit they are not nearly as beautiful as you are. Perhaps next time I’ll need to provide several dozen.”
There was such darkness in his deep baritone, the sound more like a beast in the wild than actual vocal cords. He was older, maybe ten or so years, the hint of gray at his temples only adding to the distinguished and suave look he had. There was a distinct twinkle in his eyes, as if he knew my darkest secrets and passionate needs.
I took the crystal vase from his hand, doing the obligatory deep whiff before placing it on the small table. “Nonsense. These are incredible. Thank you very much.”
“Of course, Bella.” Even the way he accentuated the two syllables in my name was sexy.
“You know my name?” A strange tickling sensation scuttled into me. Maybe I should be concerned instead of flattered. I licked my lower lip and he shifted his gaze, studying the subtle move intently. Were his nostrils flaring?
He laughed and the sound sent quivers deep into my pussy, my throat and lips suddenly so parched I dragged the tip of my tongue across my bottom lip again. He was watching me intently, his chiseled jaw clenched. He was even more handsome up close, the long shaggy dark curls falling just to his shoulders.
“Absolutely,” he said and I obviously had a fearful look on my face. He lowered his head slightly, allowing his eyes to shift back and forth. “From the program? You were featured prominently?”
What an idiot I was.
“Oh, yes.” Now the heat was really rising on my cheeks, something even in the dim lighting I was certain he could see. “Of course. And you are?”
“Creed Saint. A lover of the arts, a master of none. Enough of a lover that my brothers and I are creating a special facility for underprivileged artists.”
Ah, yes, I’d heard a major corporation had broken ground on a sweeping several story building. Was he trying to impress me? It was going to take a lot more than stunning flowers, arrogance, and inflating his own ego.