Page 34 of Controlled
“What? He can’t do that. There are days I want to punch your father in the nose.”
“Me too. However, you don’t understand, sweet girl. My father can do anything he wants. He’s become a very powerful man in Chicago. He even bragged after our conversation about Mr. Saint that he had evidence against the family that he would use to advance his career.”
I headed to the window, my stomach still in knots. “Are you considering your father’s demand?”
He was quiet for a few seconds. “I don’t know if I have a choice. He has control of my trust fund, which he will keep from me if I don’t do what he wants. The money allows me to pay my rent and eat.”
“You cannot allow your father to rule your life. Why don’t you get a second job so you can be more on your own?”
“Oh, you mean in a hot little club like your sexy job?”
When I gave him a hard look, he laughed. “Don’t torment me.”
“This is Chicago, baby girl. You and I both know the reason you’re working at a hot little club is because you couldn’t pay your bills by being a lowly member of the ballet company and working at a fast-food joint. Not possible.”
“There must be a way. You are brilliant and the best dancer I’ve seen. Ever.” I glanced out the window and my entire body was instantly paralyzed. He was there. Right across the street. And he was looking up at this window. How would he know where I was? How could he possibly have any idea I’d be looking for him?
“I’m going to talk to my mom, but I don’t know. And what are you looking at?”
“It’s him. He’s right there. He followed me.”
“Who are you talking about?” Jonas peered out the window. “Creed?”
“Don’t you see him? He’s right there across the street.” I pointed but at that moment, a huge truck rolled by blocking the view.
He narrowed his eyes, still searching, shaking his head when the truck passed. “Are you certain someone was following you? I don’t see anyone standing and staring.”
Blinking, I pressed my hand against the glass as I scanned the sidewalk, one side then the other. He was gone.
No sight of him.
But I wasn’t crazy. He’d been right there. Right there. I knew it.
As I continued searching, a cold chill trickled down my back. There was no doubt what would happen.
He was coming for me and when he captured me, he’d never let me go.
“Before I agree to this, you need to tell me everything that happened last night.” Jonas was insistent and I wasn’t certain I was ready to tell anyone what had occurred inside the elevator. “Whether or not my father was exaggerating, the man is one scary dude.”
We were sitting at a small table directly in front of the small café’s picture window. It was the perfect place to observe people enjoying their day shopping or heading to and from work.
It was also the perfect place to be seen, which is what I was hoping would happen.
The various odd incidents would unnerve me for some time to come, especially the one with Creed. No matter how much I’d secretly enjoyed the attention and the explosion of passion, I was sick to my stomach for what I’d allowed to occur. I’d never had a one-night stand in my life. Okay, Creed had been forceful, but the reality was that I’d enjoyed both the attention and the passion. However, whether or not he was following me helped me to realize that his infatuation or his determination to own me wasn’t acceptable.
You couldn’t just lay claim to a person and that made it so. I didn’t care how much money he had or how good looking he was, I refused to allow the man to slide into my life ever again.
“He continued to ask me out, telling me he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. When I told him I had a boyfriend, he laughed as if it was the most ridiculous thing on the planet. He told me that we would be together and we’d be incredible.”
“Possessive much?” Jonas laughed as he sipped his soft drink. “But it’s nice to have that kind of attention.”
I couldn’t concentrate, constantly looking out the window, unsure if I was hoping to see the man or praying I didn’t. Either way, I wanted to give Creed the full understanding I wasn’t going to see him again. Period. He could prod and coerce me all he wanted but I refused to be used by anyone.
No matter how sexy.