Page 39 of Controlled
“I’m just interested in the girl’s wellbeing. You know how close girls are to their mothers. No matter how disgusting they are.”
Just like we’d been to Daddy dearest. At first. We’d learned.
“You don’t do anything without a selfish reason behind it. Since you’ll bypass me if necessary, I will tell you that her mother isn’t doing very well and if you read anything about the woman when she was in her heyday, which I’m sure you have, you learned she and her daughter weren’t that close. In fact, the woman has been violent toward the staff and labeled as such. I guess now she’s attacking her daughter as well. There’s a note on Carmine’s file about wanting to move her to another facility. Given what I was told, I don’t blame the staff for wanting to do so.”
I’d been right. That’s why I’d seen a scratch on Bella’s face. Her mother had caused it. Maybe I should worry less about the woman’s care and more about ending her obvious suffering.
“Jesus. You’ve told me about those facilities. She’ll be left to die.” There was no conviction in my voice.
“They aren’t as bad as they used to be, but they aren’t ideal. Don’t lie to me. You think you know me, but I know when a woman grabs your attention. You really like Bella. But you couldn’t give a shit about the girl’s mother. It’s just an angle you’re using.”
“I don’t use angles and I certainly don’t need to buy someone’s affection. However, Bella is… the one. I’m certain of it.” I was trying not to laugh but just saying the words felt ridiculous.
“But what does that mean to you, brother? Are you going to dress her up as a Barbie doll, keeping her inside a locked room? Are you going to force her on sexual hunts to satisfy your sadistic cravings?”
“That sounds pretty tasty.” I was teasing, although I would need to lock her away.
“My God. Grow the fuck up. You’re forty-two years old.”
“You mean am I too obsessed?” I would have followed her home had I not needed to finish getting ready for today’s board meeting. Yet all I’d been able to do was think about her, hunger for her. I’d watched the damn video three times and still had only gotten a couple of hours’ sleep. “Not any more than you were when you were getting to know your lovely wife. True?”
Berating me after how he’d snagged his wife was ridiculous and I refused to accept it.
“Just be careful. Whatever you’re doing could backfire on you, just like you warned me,” Styx said oh-so quietly as if he cared. While I didn’t mind tormenting my brothers, he was right, even if I hated to admit it. Being this obsessed with Bella could be dangerous on many levels.
“Yes, well, it’s worth the risk.” I picked up the file, taking note of what the hospital staff had said about Carmine. I also noticed sweet Bella hadn’t paid off the woman’s bills in their entirety. No wonder she was dancing in a shitty club, fighting off dirty men who pawed at her. No more.
“Just keep in mind what I said. Get ready for the board meeting. I’m eager to get back to Boston.”
“There are private facilities and other drugs that could help her mother at least to some degree. Right?”
Styx was more perplexed than before. “Yeah, but that takes money. And it’s obvious you don’t give a shit about her welfare.”
“Money I have. And while I might not care, Bella obviously does. Send me a list.”
“You really are serious about this girl. Why do I have a bad feeling you’re going to need my help in the next month or so?”
I finished off the water, crushing the bottle and tossing it into the trash. I couldn’t stop a grin from crossing my face. “Help, no. You by my side crushing our enemies like we enjoyed doing years ago? Why the fuck not? We used to be good together.”
“That was a long time ago. We’re different people.”
“No, we’re not. Oh, and I was serious about another hunt. You game?”
“Why would you dredge up the past? Why do you want to remind me about the scars and the anguish, the anger exploding in our father given his lack of control? Why do you want to remind me or Easton that we’re almost as fucked up as that worthless piece of scum who spawned us?” He was almost foaming at the mouth. Of the three of us, he bore the most scars from our father’s anger, bullwhip marks permanently branded into his skin. I had my share but not nearly to the degree he did. My scars were more internal.
“Because it’s when we were at our best, working together as a team.”
Styx didn’t usually mince words, but it was obvious he wasn’t going to admit he missed it as well. “I’ll see you at the board meeting.”
He was stiffer than usual, which meant I was right. I laughed softly until Kane caught the door before my brother could slam it.
I eyed my Capo carefully as I unwrapped the tape from around my hands. A quick glance highlighted how bloody my knuckles had become. I’d been hard on the bag this morning and hadn’t felt a damn thing. Pain was the great equalizer for a man like me. “You found something out?”
“Yep. I had Mr. Abbott followed as you asked.” When I didn’t respond, he chortled. “You know, the fake Arabian dude.”
“Ah, yes. Anything?”
“Definitely sent by one of the Italian assholes but if I’m right, not by the Don himself.” He used a singsong voice.