Page 61 of Controlled
That he had plans on devouring me more than once.
“Let’s just say this lovely woman is the most important person in my life.” His words sounded so heartfelt I was a little nauseous inside.
But I also knew the man didn’t do anything without an angle.
I couldn’t help but wonder what he was trying to do.
And who he was trying to draw out of their lair.
Maybe I did know him better than I’d thought. He was a predator through and through and this photographic event had been staged.
That didn’t make it any less exciting or the night any less magical.
I found myself swept up in the moment, even holding my head high and my shoulders back.
“Now, if you’ll excuse us, we do have dinner reservations.” Creed was all smiles, now wrapping his arm around my waist.
While I knew very little about the city, given we were standing in front of one of the tallest skyscrapers I’d noticed for a three-block radius, I had a feeling the restaurant was either in a private setting or it was the most opulent in the city.
And another damning wash of delicious anticipation coursed through me as well as the same question that I’d had since he’d commanded me to get dressed.
Why was he going to all this trouble? He’d captured me. He could easily cage me.
So why the seduction routine?
Maybe I’d use my feminine wiles with the madman so I could find out. That could help me find a way of escaping when he least expected it.
So, I began my foray into acting, rubbing my hand up his back and tangling my fingers in his hair. And just like the spectacle he’d put on, I rolled the tip of my index finger from one side of his stubbled jaw to the other, offering the kind of smile my mother had taught me so long ago.
Then I leaned into him, pressing my other palm against his chest. “I’m so looking forward to a luscious meal, my darling.” When I kissed him on the lips, taking away his control for a brief moment, he instantly stiffened. There was something freeing about knowing how to get to the man. I even pushed his lips apart, taking my time to slide my tongue into his wet mouth.
He tasted of the liquor he’d had on the plane and peppermint. The combination along with the scent of his incredibly masculine aftershave was far too intoxicating.
As our kiss became more passionate, he seemed to come to his senses, grinding his hips against mine, even pushing me over into a deep arc, now in full control.
I heard the oohs and aahs from several members of the crowd and could tell the cameras were going in full force. And I also knew several of the women were ready to claw my eyes out.
When he finally lifted me to a fully standing position, breaking the kiss, he was more breathless than I was.
At that moment, in our power exchange, in our battle of wills, I’d won a point.
Yay for me.
“Is it possible dreams can come true?” I whispered, more to myself than to the sinfully good-looking man sitting across from the table from me.
“‘In dreams and in love, there are no impossibilities,’” Creed said as he glanced out the window at the twinkling stars.
“That’s beautiful.”
“Not my words, Bella. They are from a passage by Janos Arnay.”
“That doesn’t make them any less beautiful.”
“Perhaps not, but dreams are what you make them. No one will create them for you.” Creed’s answer saddened me and I wasn’t certain why.