Page 8 of Controlled
He’d asked for very specialized equipment, several pieces of security that had required alterations by our computer geeks. That had taken longer than usual.
“Because it would seem getting the shipment back to my country has added danger.”
“Not my problem.” When the girl crawled toward me on all fours before rising onto her knees, running the palms of her flexed hands down her chest as she tossed her hair, my mouth watered. She threw her head back and forth, the glistening light accentuating her long, dark curls.
“It is if you’re the reason for the excessive amount of danger.”
He knew me far too well in that it would take a few seconds for what he’d just said to sink in. When it did and I glanced in his direction, the smug look on his face pissed me off. But I said nothing at first, wondering if the situation with Paul and his friends had led to this. I was no fool. The fucking dark web as well as the gossip on the streets had been buzzing with the fact our family had a new enemy shrouded in the shadows.
It wasn’t rare but with the upcoming quarterly Saint Corporation board meeting, it would need to be brought out in the open. Barely more than two months went by without mention of some asinine organization attempting to usurp our glory. It was to be expected in the kind of business we participated in, but for a man like Carlos to become affected by it, that I didn’t buy.
He was simply a cheap son of a bitch like so many others, the kind of rodent I didn’t have time for.
“And here I thought you were a powerful man.” I gave him a hard stare but everything about the woman drew me back to her gestures as she beckoned for me, daring to drag her tongue around her mouth in the most wicked way possible. I couldn’t help but smile as well as have several luscious and filthy thoughts about what I could do to her.
Including keeping her naked in a cage, disciplining her with one of my favorite straps or canes, and using her body in the vilest manners. Yes, it would be more than enjoyable to drive my thick cock deep inside her pretty pink pussy. Maybe that was the root of my problem, the ugly boredom I’d felt for months. I needed to get laid.
My brothers would laugh at me but there was something about the power of sex that the most vicious and violent men needed in order to carry on.
“Don’t fuck with me, Creed. You’re making a fortune off me. However, it’s costing me a tremendous amount of money to hire additional soldiers.”
The man had an army, unless they’d suddenly jumped ship.
“What the fuck do you want, Carlos?”
“I want you to provide secure passage to Cartagena.”
I took a deep breath. It was a rule everyone who did business with me knew up front. Once the shipments left our warehouses, we weren’t responsible for them. The caution lowered our risks. “Not a chance.”
“I will ask you to reconsider.”
“You knew the requirements the day you contacted me. I suggest you remember who you are dealing with.”
“And I suggest you remember just how powerful I am, Creed. I certainly don’t want to make you an enemy, but I will if necessary.”
The man was stupid enough to threaten me? Was he kidding? He came into my city to be that careless? That meant whatever he’d heard was truly bothering him. Why should that concern me?
Unfortunately, the lovely girl had moved to the other side of the stage, taking her evocative performance away when I needed it to keep from cutting the bastard. Very few things could quiet the beast once he erupted from his lair, and it would seem she was one of them. I shifted my chair, leaning over the table.
“Do you know one of the most effective methods of killing someone in broad daylight in the middle of a huge crowd of people?”
He smiled as if I was surrendering to his sense of logic. He obviously didn’t know me that well.
“Tell me, Creed. I’m certain I’ll be fascinated to hear it.”
I swirled my drink, taking another gulp before answering. “It’s very simple and extremely effective. You come up behind your intended victim, slitting their throat. However, you must slice through their trachea, which effectively pushes the blood flow into their throat. That not only keeps the carnage from view, allowing for time to leave the scene, but they are unable to issue a single sound.” I grinned after issuing my own threat. If anyone knew anything about me, it was that I didn’t make idle threats.
I made solid, reputable promises that could be banked on.
He sat back, understanding what I was saying. “I will ask you to reconsider, Creed. If you do, I will add five million dollars to what you are expecting to be paid.”
I already had a nonrefundable deposit of fifteen million, which was enough to deter most men from making the stupid choice of cancelling a contract, especially since every order was very personal. Often the contracts included items that couldn’t be sold to anyone else.
For the sake of keeping the meeting civil, I nodded. That was something that would need to go through my brothers before any decision was made, but I could virtually guarantee they wouldn’t be keen on the idea. The waters of the gulf were loaded with Coast Guard and other international law agencies determined to crack down on the illegal drug and weapons market.
The Saint Corporation had kept out of being accused of any heinous crime, although the ATF had certainly tried to pin things on us over the years. I wanted it to stay that way. Whether or not we continued selling illegally had yet to be determined, but I wanted it to be our choice.
“I will give it some thought, Alvarez, and be in contact. Enjoy your stay.” As I rose to my feet, I noticed the sinful dancer was getting ready to exit the stage. Why not soothe my anger somewhat by showing my appreciation of the arts. It was that kind of day.