Page 13 of Silks
It’s unlikely, but the very thought is intoxicating, and once it’s in my head I can’t get it out. I’m gulping huge breaths of air because it’s the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had.
I can’t let her go back to Chicago.
Not now. Not ever.
I roll carefully out of bed and into the bathroom. Then my hands are on her toiletries bag and I’m riffling through it before I can even admit to myself what I’m doing.
When it comes to my sister, I have zero fucking morals.
I roll her birth control pack between my fingers.
There’s no going back after this.
But when have I ever been able to pull back or stay away from her? Or act like a brother should?
As noiselessly as I can, I rip open the packet, spilling all the pills into the sink. I chase and crush each one, grinding them into powdery dust and washing the remains down the drain.
When I’m done I take a deep, shuddering breath.
It’s not all that likely she gets pregnant from me covering her gorgeous pussy with cum, but the chance is too appealing to pass up.
But I want more.
A lot more.
I want to fuck her, fill her, make her mine in every way possible.
I resist the urge to see if I can slip my cock past those pouty pink lips without waking her up and lie back in bed.
There’s one more thing to do, and I move my fingers and slide them under her pillow for Ophelia’s phone.
I flick rapidly through her contacts. There’s no clue there why she decided to come home this weekend, or even that she told any of her friends.
My uneasiness increases.
I see a few of the text threads with some guys from Chicago. Casual, flirty. No tit pictures, but I’m jealous as fuck anyway. She’s obviously hooked up with some of them, and I recognize the name of her ex-boyfriend Matt, who I would recognize because I paid a PI to check up on my sister.
I’m jealous as fuck of anyone who has had sex with her, and I block each of their numbers, deleting the text threads without being able to stop myself.
Then I put the phone carefully back, my hand moving through her long loose curls, stroking her hair carefully so she doesn’t wake up, and I close my eyes and try to go to sleep wondering how horrified she would be if she knew the dirty fantasies about her I fall asleep to every night.