Page 24 of Silks
He was wearing a powder blue suit jacket and pants with a crisp white shirt and matching tie, and of course he looked cool and relaxed even though the evening was unseasonably warm.
“I’m going to throw up if all Dad catered were mint juleps,” I said.
Teddy laughed and produced a can of champagne from his pocket.
“For my classy as fuck sister.”
I couldn’t help squealing and grabbing it from him.
“Thank you!” I cried. “Finally, something normal.”
“Some people might say this 50-year-old single malt whiskey is even better,” Teddy said, leaning on the rail beside me.
“The bubbles are going up my nose!” I squeaked and he just smiled.
We watched the Belle of Louisville make her way easily down the Ohio, and for a moment everything was like it used to be. Us together, shit-talking the cream of Louisville society.
We watched my parents pretending not to notice the people they were fucking on the side as they circled around the party.
“Wow, they could make a cute couple,” I said, indicating one of my dad’s mistresses with the fitness instructor Mom had boinked for several years.
“Nah,” Teddy said. “They already tried to go in together on a blackmail against Dad and Mom. Dad forgave, but Mom didn’t.”
I laughed, then remembered Harvey.
I looked around for any of Dad’s hired muscle or Chet or somebody to get information from.
“I have to go pee,” I said, shoving my drink at my brother and walking away.
Teddy was going to think I had a hamster’s bladder, and I was no longer even safe from him in the fucking bathroom, but at least there were people around. He wouldn’t dare to shove his knee in my pussy in front of everyone, would he?
I suddenly caught sight of Barrington Stables jockey Ezekiel McCluskey.
Who better to know the inside scoop about Mintmaker?
There was only one problem, I reflected, as I advanced on the thin, graceful man.
He absolutely loathed me.
As soon as Ezekiel saw me, he did a literal spit take, spattering the suit of the man he was talking to, and he took off like a shot.
I ground my teeth and gave chase.
Because of his short legs, I was able to catch up fairly easily.
“Ezekiel! So good to see you!” I panted in what I hoped was a winning manner.
“I still use the crop and I will continue to use the crop!” he said belligerently, jutting his jaw out.
I stifled my anger. For like one second, because then I burst out.
“Give it up, asshole! It’s ineffective and doesn’t even make the thoroughbreds go faster!”
“Oh who let you out of the fiery pits, you hellspawn?” Ezekiel hissed at me.
“Why are you hissing?” I asked maliciously. “What are you afraid of?”