Page 51 of Silks
Luckily I knew my way through the woods, but we had to take a circuitous route out, hugging closer to the other stables than I wanted.
Finally we were close enough away that I let us slow down to a walk.
“Good job, sweetheart,” I said.
“For what?” she asked, wrinkling her nose up at me.
“You were the perfect backup,” I said, feeling that warmth that only came into my body around her. Without her I was a cold fucking dead inside automaton. With her I was warm and alive.
She laughed, then looked around. “I don’t recognize where we are. Aren’t we near those abandoned stables?”
I opened my mouth, unsure how much to tell her, when she suddenly dropped my hand and bounded off into the dark woods.
“Did someone buy this? I think I see new work being done here!”
“Ophelia!” I hissed, following her, but my sister was fast, rushing over to brush her hands across a dark sign.
“Shine your light here, Teddy,” she said.
I hesitated, and she looked back at me.
I held her eyes for a second. Then I shone the light over the sign.
“Barrington Greener Acres,” she read, then she whirled on me.
“What is this, Teddy?”
My heart was pounding in my chest. This was my moment to explain everything. This entire thing was my grovel. My attempt to show her that working for Barrington Industries had been because I couldn’t bear to be the one responsible for her losing her inheritance. That I still cared about the same things. I had to fucking do this right if I wanted a chance for Ophelia to love me.
But the panic if I failed seemed to swamp me.
I craved her love like a junkie craving a fix. I was fucking jittery as shit without it.
Then she traced her fingers over a number carved onto the sign.
“Snakehandler’s win!” she crowed, and when she turned to me, there were stars in her eyes.
“It took me a year and a half to get it ready to build,” I said. “But construction’s already started on new stables, an office building, trails to ride. This is where our thoroughbreds can retire to.”
For a moment she didn’t speak, then she said, “I’ve been a huge bitch. I take it all back. This is amazing.”
“I like that you’re a bitch,” I said. “Everything about you is perfect, sugar.”
Ophelia bit her lip, then suddenly leaned forward, yanking on my shirt to bring my face level with hers.
Then she kissed me.
I instantly gathered her close to me, crushing her in my arms, so tight I heard her little gasp of breath.
I could have held her, kissed her for hours, but she suddenly dropped to her knees, and I sucked my breath in as I felt her hands on my sweatpants.
“Ophelia,” I breathed. I’d dreamed of this moment for so long!
“I love you, Teddy,” she said, drawing my cock from my pants, her tongue flicking over the big head.
“Oh, I love you too,” I said eagerly, not caring that I was openly, obviously hungry and desperate for her touch.
When she put her mouth on me I groaned with the pleasure, unable to be silent, unable to hide how it felt to have Ophelia finally closing her mouth over my dick, licking the leaking tip, and looking up at me with those irresistible eyes.