Page 56 of Silks
Chapter 17 (Teddy)
My father was waiting for me behind one of the far stables, unused for several years now.
“What the fuck happened out there?” Dad asked, vibrating with rage. “The other gentlemen who went in on our wager are meeting us back here in 10 minutes. They’re not going to be happy.”
I shrugged.
Dad watched me. His dress shirt was buttoned up tightly to his neck, so no one could see the line I had carved into his chest.
“Chet said last night they were prevented from injecting Sweet Pea by a tall fucking guy in black followed by what looked like a short woman in black with big tits.”
He paused to let this sink in.
“I wonder how Ophelia will like jail,” he added speculatively, his eyes narrowing.
I’m not a good man. I have no moral scruples. I don’t give a shit about right or wrong. Dad blackmailing me into working for his company was one thing.
But threatening my twin sister?
I won’t stand for that shit.
“You need to take the fall for this,” Dad went on. “Or I’ll implicate your sister, too.”
“Ophelia wouldn’t go for that,” I said, my fingers closing in on the small knife in my pocket. “She knows the truth.”
This small of a knife would make it hard to slit his throat. Messy and lengthy. . . Not going to work.
“Boy, if you need to fuck your sister once to get over this. . . interest you have, just say so,” Dad spat.
I cocked my head, then I drove the pocketknife into his nose until I hit skull bone, then dragged it down to split apart his chin.
Then I put my hands around his throat and began to squeeze.
He couldn’t speak, only gape at me, blood dribbling helplessly from his mouth.
“I love Ophelia,” I said, tightening my fingers so his eyes began to protrude from his head, his tongue purple, “and you can fucking die knowing I’m going to be taking over the company, firing the jockey, and banning all whips. Except the ones I’ll use for fun on Ophelia, because I plan to fuck and fill her every night. But you’ll never see the baby I put in her.”
And Dad’s eyes bugged out with horror as he died in front of me.
I was pleased as fuck my clever sister had chosen black, because the splashes of Dad’s blood on my suit jacket weren’t visible at all.