Page 87 of House of Ashes
Maristela bared her teeth at her mother, whispering harshly under her breath.
I wanted to say something, something to sway the right of might our way, but…
Kalros watched me. I felt the hunger in his gaze, and shivered. Rhylan slipped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer, shielding me against the dragon’s desire.
I felt sick as his gaze crawled over me. I should have known Yura would court the exiles; by the Laws of the Interregnum, he had the right to reform his House, just as I did.
But I had not courted him. I wouldn’t have been able to stomach Kalros becoming my ally, knowing what he had planned…and I wondered if that made me weak, placing my own emotions above necessity.
Yura gazed at Chantrelle, expressionless, then turned towards Tyria, who stood alone. “Will you join us or die?”
Tyria ignored Yura completely. Her pale green eyes were focused on Chantrelle, and she let out a rough, yet musical laugh. “You are a child,” she told Chantrelle. “Do you not see what is coming? And as for you…” She looked down her nose at Yura, smiling slightly. “You threaten me with death?”
My sister stared back. “If you stand against me, I will destroy your House. Only fealty will save you.”
Tyria’s smile widened, and she held out her arms. “You may try to destroy me…if you can make it through my sons.”
It was then that the first shadow fell on the Circle. Then another, and another.
Almost everyone looked up at once, all the dragons tensing as scales crept over their exposed skin.
Seven emerald-green dragons circled overhead, soaring over the Circle like vultures. They swooped out over the lake, rushing towards us, and I felt Rhylan push me back ever so slightly—
But Tyria’s sons surrounded her on the stones. Seven dragons, their hot amber eyes focused entirely on Yura and Tidas, and for a mere fraction of a second, uncertainty gleamed in my sister’s empty eyes.
“You may have my fealty over my dead body,” the Lady of Jade Leaves informed her. “But I do believe I will have yours first.”
Seven dragons…and no sign of Loralei. Where was the youngest of the Obsidian Flame? She was the linchpin upon which our hopes of an alliance with Jade Leaves rested.
Rhylan’s shoulders had not released their tension. His hand was clamped around mine like a vise, grinding my bones together.
Yura curled her lip, whirling towards our aunt and uncle. “Undying Light, will you join us?”
My heart was in my throat. We were evenly matched in right of might now; if Jade Leaves were to declare for us, we would have the stronger hand…
And if Undying Light went to Yura and Tidas, once more we would be locked in equal forces.
I despised my father for leaving us with this mess. It would be so much cleaner, so much simpler to kill my sister, rather than playing these silly games of declarations and counting the Houses in our Courts, but if he had just brought me home and named me his heir…there wouldn’t be a war threatening the Houses.
Aunt Pyrae and Uncle Tashan glanced between us, from sister to sister.
If they chose her…if they backed my vicious sister…it could be over now, before it had even started.
But Pyrae shook her head, nose wrinkling in a sneer. “We do not recognize the rights of bastards. No whore-spawn will sit the throne with our approval. We abstain.”
That was a major blow, not just for us, but for Yura as well. Even my sister, always cool and composed, looked like she’d been slapped.
But within seconds, she had pulled her mask-like serenity back on, and stood straighter. “Abstain if you wish, Aunt Pyrae. I know my father would call you a coward, and your lack of commitment will not save you from the coming bloodshed.”
She strode back to Tidas, clearly speaking to him in his mind—he flinched under her stare.
For my part…I was almost glad my relatives had abstained. Pyrae had particular notions about children born on the wrong side of the sheets.
Of course, I would have much preferred them to join us, but at least that was one less House backing Yura’s claim.