Page 48 of One More Time
I braced my head against the door frame. “Me too.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too, James. See you soon.”
I disconnected the call, bracing myself against the bathroom door. Every part of me wanted to fall apart, but I knew I needed to collect myself to be strong enough to get home. I needed to derail the train running rampant in my mind if I was going to handle the situation.
I flinched when a pair of strong hands squeezed my shoulders. “Baby, what’s happened?”
“I need to go home.”
His hands then moved to my waist, as if he was trying to prevent me from leaving. “What? No, you can’t.”
“I have to. Mum’s just had a stroke and my brother’s all alone.”
I choked on my words as Hunter spun me around, cupping my cheeks in his hands. I could barely make him out through the haze of tears. “Fuck, okay. We’ll go to Coach. What about your dad?”
It felt like my heart split in two. “Died two years ago in a fire.”
Hunter’s face broke, and he pulled me into him. As he held me tightly, he didn’t realize he was giving me that little bit of strength that I needed. He let go of me and wandered into our room, surprising me by packing for me before taking my hand again.
“Will you be back?”
I closed my eyes against the sudden, overwhelming rush of emotions. I couldn’t answer this question. Thankfully, I didn’t have to—my silence said it all. His lips met mine. “If you need anything, baby, just call.”
I nodded, feeling his forehead against mine. He kissed my temple, my cheek, my chin.
“Do you want me to come with you to see Coach?”
I shook my head—I wouldn’t be able to let him go.
“Okay, baby. I’ll organize the Uber and your flights, you go talk to Coach. I… hope you come back.”
I nodded and pulled him in for one more passionate kiss, one that was heated, demanding. Because I wasn’t sure if I’d ever kiss him again.
I stood in front of Coach’s hotel door, my legs shaking in an attempt to quell the emotions that threatened to burst out of me.
“Come on, come on, come on…” I let out a deep breath.
A bleary-eyed Coach pulled the door open, then those eyes widened as they took in my tear-filled eyes and my over-packed duffel.
“Tyler… what the-“
“I’m sorry, Coach,” I interrupted. “I don’t have much time; my Uber is on the way—”
“Uber? What the fuck, Riley?”
“Sir, my mum has cancer. My dad died two years ago and I just got a call from my brother that she’s had a stroke and been rushed to hospital. I’m all he’s got and—”
“Go. I’ll take care of everything here. Keep me updated. But for now, be there for your brother. And I hope your mom is okay.”
I nodded, biting my lip as the tears continued to pour down my cheeks. Coach did the one thing I didn’t expect; he took me in his arms and squeezed me tight. “You have talent, kid. I hope you can come back.”
I pulled back, speechless, and answered him with a simple nod before making my way to the awaiting car. My phone buzzed just as I opened the door.
Boston: Flight confirmation is in your email. I hope your mom is okay. And I hope this isn’t goodbye.
Amidst the swirling thoughts about what awaited me back home, I couldn’t help but feel that I was losing something else entirely.