Page 63 of One More Time
“You saying you’re a girl?” I snarked, earning myself a well-deserved smack across the back of the head.
“No, it means I’m not just another meat-headed guy who only has his head in the clouds.”
I nodded, silently urging him to continue talking. I didn’t want to admit to anything. Plausible deniability was my refuge.
“During that last term, you’d been with Kinsley more than anything. So, I assumed you and Zane had a falling out. I still don’t understand why you punched him, and I was a bit disappointed in your behavior. Despite you never noticing me, you were a nice guy, in a way. I mean, you were never rude.”
“So, that’s the low bar for a nice guy?” I quipped. “Just not being mean? But you’re not necessarily nice to people either, just indifferent.”
Jarman shrugged. “Sometimes, being nice is doing nothing at all. You had shit going on. I got the impression you didn’t have the best family life. I never saw your parents at games and once I saw your dad drag you by the back of your neck and shove you into a car. So, I think you not being a royal asshole because your life sucked means you’re a nice guy.”
I didn’t say anything, hating how ignorant I’d been all those years. He knew I was queer the whole time and never once said anything.
“Since you won’t say anything—and please note that I hate talking—I don’t care about your sexuality. But I see you with Tyler, and he’s different than the rest. I know you care about him.”
I deflated at that “Yeah, he’s…” I sighed, not sure how to put it into words. Because I only wanted to say perfect.
“Do you have a plan?”
I looked back to Tyler, who stared blankly out the window, letting Mouse animatedly talk to him about the amazingness—his word, not mine—of the star-nosed mole. Mouse was none the wiser that Tyler was tuning him out and that his unamused grunts were only for show. Jarman scoffed, and I looked back to him, dark eyes glimmering at his best friend.
“No plan. I need to be able to explain, to apologize. But I shouldn’t be getting close to him—for more reasons than one.”
Jarman took his attention away from Mouse, still smiling. “The reasons are?”
I shot him a look and he rolled his eyes in a way that meant, “Spill.”
“His entire life just fell apart. He’s lost both his parents in a span of two years and his little brother is hiding in his dorm room until he needs to go back to school. Between the loss and the responsibility, he doesn’t need to take on my bullshit.”
“Stupid reason because he needs you now more than ever. Next.”
I furrowed my brow yet again.
“Come on, Hunt, I don’t have all day. Accept the fact that I know you better than you know yourself.”
I did just that and continued. “The NHL isn’t exactly rolling out the rainbow carpet for gays.”
He nodded, seeming to mull over that information. “It won’t be easy, but what they don’t know won’t hurt them. You get to the league, show them how amazing you are, and then come out. Use your big lawyer knowledge to sue for discrimination if they try anything silly.”
I had to love his optimism. “Jarman…”
He sighed. “Yeah, yeah, I know there’s the timeline between you graduating and him doing what he does, but time is just that: time. You two have something that could withstand the test.”
I rolled my neck out, considering it. Even just a month with Tyler Riley would be a dream.
“So, next concern.“
“My dad. He… isn’t a nice guy, Jarman. I don’t want him anywhere near Tyler. I’d never forgive myself if he got hurt.”
His hand clasped my shoulder. “You are out of his home, Hunt. He surely can’t have that much reach.”
I gulped, meeting his warm brown eyes. “I’m only here because of him. I don’t have a scholarship—he owns me, Jarman.”
Jarman’s face contorted. “Well, is there any way you can get an agent? Or even enter the AHL without him knowing? You’re good enough, man. That way you can start your life on your own terms.”
I shrugged. I hadn’t been approached like Colton and Tyler had. But I wasn’t exactly reaching out for agents either. The thought seeded itself in my mind, and Jarman smiled proudly.
“I’ll look into it,” I relented.