Page 8 of One More Time
I chuckled. “Oh, I’m definitely holding that against you, Aussie.”
Colton joined us, draping an arm over each of our shoulders. “My dudes! If we maintain that magic, we’ll be on top at the end of the season. We have to celebrate!”
I refrained from touching Tyler, yet he flinched, nonetheless. Colton, however, didn’t seem to notice He was already talking up the party at the hockey house.
“Kels is coming,” I added to the conversation.
Colton smirked. “Still friends with benefits?”
My only response was a nod. Tyler, noticeably tense, made his way to his stall beside mine.
“Getting a third?” Colton threw in.
Tyler didn’t miss the quip, if his side-eye was anything to go by.
“Who knows? She calls the shots. I’m just there for the excitement—and to get off, obviously.”
“Get it out of your system now,” Colton warned. “I don’t think your dad will appreciate your polygamous ways when you’re running the firm with him.”
“Pfft, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. The more, the merrier.” Tyler made a noise of disgust, and as I turned to him, I raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t think your kind were prudes.”
He ignored me, shaking his head.
My eyes were drawn south to his glistening abs as he stripped his jersey and protective pads. I’d never met a man who had me reminding myself to stop ogling. Seriously, his body was a tribute to the male body in his prime. Something that made me understand why artists sculpted it.
“Do whatever you fancy in the bedroom, mate. I just don’t need to be hearing about it,” Tyler quipped, his Aussie accent giving the words an extra edge.
“Aw, has it been a while?” I taunted, enjoying his discomfort, the subtle tick in his jaw. His icy glare told me I was getting somewhere, getting close to cracking that shell.
“Not everyone is a sex fiend, Boston. And not everyone takes pleasure in hearing about your conquests.”
“Who were they, and what did they do to your libido?” I prodded, relishing the discovery of an imperfection in his pretty facade.
“No one,” he grumbled, turning to leave.
Instinctively, my hand reached out, grabbing his elbow.
“So, you’re a virgin? How long were you planning on holding that card? Wouldn’t have wanted the guys to find that out.”
His pretty eyes flared with anger. “Fuck you, Hunter,” he spat. "I don’t need to explain myself to anyone—especially a self-righteous Boston prick like you.” He yanked his arm back, surprising me with his strength.
I didn’t let his fighting words stop me; that little button was mine to press, and I was going to press it. My lips quirked at the knowledge of what I was doing to him. Wanting to rile him up more, I continued. “Come find me when you are ready to get the stick out of your ass then, Aus. Maybe I could direct you in the direction of a good lay.”
“I’ll do just fine on my own.” He pulled away and headed for the showers.
A glutton for punishment, I followed him. “You obviously don’t. You need to chill. I thought you Aussies were supposed to go with the flow.”
I watched his shoulders rise and fall with each breath; his fists clenched at his sides. I opened my mouth to continue my tirade, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned to look at Colton and simultaneously caught the eyes of my teammates, all staring at me like they didn’t know who I was.
“What the fuck, man?” Colton sneered. “Is that how you make friends?”
I exhaled, the sound laced with resentment, then resulted in grinding my teeth again.
I am going to have to send him my dentist bill at this rate.
Tyler Riley was infuriating. He paraded around like he had it all together, excelling effortlessly in everything he touched—and looking damn good while he did it. He was the type that got everything handed to him on a platter: friends, grades, skills.
I bit back any comments on his looks, fully aware of my own allure. I had that edgy, rugged vibe that pulled people in with the mystery. As for Tyler, he presented himself as untouched, save for that damn tattoo on his chest boasting an unread quote and a seemingly personal date. No scars, just the illusion of the boy next door. But he wasn’t the typical golden prep boy you’d find around here. No, he was some golden Aussie. His voice had a seductive lilt to it, illuminating his demeanor and drawing people in like a siren song.