Page 87 of One More Time
End of story.
“It’s sweet of you to think so, but I don’t think like you do. I think in the moment. And right now, I know that I want you—I will always want you.”
Twin spots deepened his cheeks, and I fought the urge to kiss him senseless. One, because I knew it would give me a serious case of blue balls and two, we were supposed to be having a serious conversation. So, in the true form of having a healthy relationship, I resisted.
“Just—what if—”
I took his cheeks into my hands. “What if the world ends? What if our bus crashed on our way to our next game?—“
“Don’t even joke about that, mate.”
I laughed, and gave in enough to kiss his nose. “You know what I mean. Life has been shit to you—real fucking shit, and you didn’t deserve it. But you can’t live in fear of the what-ifs. You can’t control everything, baby.”
He groans. “If you weren’t broken, I would shove you off the bed right now.”
Another kiss to his cheek. “You’re only saying that because you know I’m right.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He sighs, going back to nuzzle into the crest of my neck.
“So, we just… —see where this goes?”
“Yes, baby.” I smiled, knowing that Tyler was anything but the “go with the flow” type of guy.
He hummed and we relaxed into each other until he suddenly jolted out of bed.
“I never gave you your Christmas present!”
“Baby, you are my Christmas present.” I waggled my eyebrows, earning an eye roll in response.
“Ha, ha,” he deadpanned. “You’re not getting sex; you look like a bruised peach. Pain isn’t my kink, babe.”
A low growl starts deep in my chest. Not only because he took sex off the table, but because he called me “babe.”
“So even BJ‘s are off the table?”
A flicker of heat passed over those pretty eyes, “Depends on how good you are.“ He winked before sliding away and strutting that toned brief-covered ass away from me and out the door.
Seriously! Does no one wear clothes around here?” Jamie calls down the hall.
“Nope!” Tyler responds, re-entering the room with a small package. His cheeks were flushed and though I didn’t need a gift from him, I was eager to know what it was.
“It’s really silly, and then you got me something so personal and thoughtful, it’s nothing compared to that—”
“Hand it over, Aussie.”
Tyler sat on the edge of the bed and passed me the perfectly wrapped box. I looked at it for a moment, holding onto the present tightly.
“I don’t remember the last time I got a christmas present…” I fought the urge to rip into it, instead slowly slid my finger under the tape in an effort to preserve Tyler’s wrapping artistry. The adorable, Australian-themed wrapping paper revealed a plain cardboard box. I looked up at Tyler to see him gnawing on his lip.
I fought the urge to pull his lip from his teeth, tossing the lid aside to reveal a Boston jersey. I picked it up just to see a matching one underneath.
“Turn them over,” he instructed with a slight waver in his voice.
I laid one jersey out on the bed, then the other next to it. There, I saw us.
Riley 28
Graves 56