Page 50 of The Sexy Enemy
Gio: The man is a Conti. You’re not moving in with him.
Natalia: Yes, I am.
Natalia: You can’t stop me.
Gio: Yes, I can.
Luca: Yes, we can.
Allegra: This is crazy, why would you want to do that?
Papà: No. I will not allow it.
Natalia: I’m a grown woman you can’t stop me.
Mamma: Think of your father’s health.
Allegra: Nice guilt trip, Mamma.
Mamma: It’s true. This is stress he doesn’t need.
Natalia: I don’t want to stress him, Mamma.
Natalia: But I’m going to put a stop to this once and for all.
Lilly: What’s your plan?
Luca: You can’t be serious, babe.
Lilly: None of you have heard her out. I want to hear her plan.
Gio: No.
Paige: Gio.
Gio: Babe.
Allegra: Listen to your wives.
Natalia: This man and I have been playing tit for tat this past couple of weeks.
Mamma: You’ve been doing what?
Gio: Like what?
Natalia: It was my idea to call his bluff about the article.
Gio: Which was stupid.
Allegra: No, it wasn’t.
Luca: Yes, it was.
Lilly: I think it was brilliant in its pettiness.
Natalia: Then he showed up in Paris, pretending to play the devoted husband.
Paige: He looked convincing in the photos.