Page 53 of The Sexy Enemy
Luca: You think you can take him down?
Lilly: What does that mean?
Luca: Babe, I’m not fighting with you.
Lilly: Then stop saying stupid things.
Papà: I don’t care about the hotels. Tell him we concede. I’m not going to let my daughter go into the viper’s nest.
Natalia: Papà, please.
Papà: No. You’re too important.
Natalia: Nothing is going to happen to me.
Natalia: The paparazzi are following us around everywhere we go. He’s had to hire extra security because of it.
Papà: I don’t like it.
Gio: This is crazy.
Allegra: I think it’s brilliant. Everyone besides us thinks the two of you are in love.
Paige: Exactly.
Allegra: The entire world thinks this is a real-life version of Romeo and Juliet. There is no way Conti is going to be able to scratch himself without someone snapping him.
Lilly: So true. Have you seen all the online stories about them? Roma is infatuated with them.
Papà: I don’t like it.
Natalia: Do you trust me?
Papà: Of course. I don’t trust him.
Natalia: I can handle him.
Lilly: I’m sure you can.
Luca: Lilly!
Lilly: Get your mind out of the gutter. I meant it as she’s an intelligent girl, she knows what she’s doing.
Natalia: I do.
Allegra: Give him hell.
Mamma: I don’t like this.
Papà: Me either.
Gio: Have you all lost your minds?
Luca: I think they have.
Papà: If your sister thinks she can win then I’m going to back her.
Gio: You are?