Page 80 of The Sexy Enemy
Alessandro: I know.
Not sure how I’m supposed to take that.
Alessandro: What else do you have planned for today other than to rob me blind at the jeweler?
Natalia: Don’t blame me, Mr. No Budget. Don’t say things like that if you can’t afford it.
Alessandro: Cute, that you think insulting my finances hurt me. The size of my wallet is as big as my dick. I can afford it.
Natalia: You have an unhealthy obsession with the size of your dick. If you must keep telling everyone how big it is you’re not that big.
Alessandro: Want to test that theory out tonight?
Natalia: No.
Alessandro: So, what are your plans then?
Natalia: Going shopping.
Alessandro: Lingerie?
Natalia: No
Alessandro: You sure?
Natalia: I’m sure.
Alessandro: Pity. As much as I like your sleep shirt, it would be nice tomorrow morning on my way to work if you had something a little sexier on when you play with yourself.
Natalia: Never happening.
Alessandro: Why? It was hot and fun.
Natalia: We will never talk of this again.
Alessandro: Don’t be embarrassed, the images will live in my mind rent-free for the rest of my life. It was hot.
Natalia: Stop it.
Alessandro: No.
Natalia: You’re annoying.
Alessandro: And you’re hot. These are the crosses we must bear.
Natalia: Don’t you have work to do or something?
Alessandro: I am. But if someone wants to distract me from my mundane paperwork with images of them trying on lingerie then I’ll be okay with it.
Natalia: * insert flip off emoji *
My phone beeps, and when I turn and see the message is from Natalia, I quickly swipe my phone from the desk and open it.
Natalia: Can’t decide between the black and the blue.