Page 7 of Negotiating Tactics
I lifted it as quietly as I could and was comforted by its weight.
It wasn’t a golf club, a baseball bat, or even a croquet mallet, but it was heavy, and the pointy end looked sharp.
And it was better than facing whatever awaited me downstairs with my charm and wit alone.
Hopefully, I wouldn’t need it.
My plan was to escape, and if I made it to the front door, I was out of here.
I crept down the stairs, sending up a silent prayer of thanks for the construction workers who had built this place.
It was rock fucking solid, and not a single stair creaked, even under my not at all inconsiderable weight.
Even in the dimness, I could see the front door getting closer, closer?—
I froze when the lights flicked on with a quiet but still audible click.
My heart was racing so fast I thought I would faint, and I stood tall, trying to prepare myself for the inevitable attack.
Let out a breath when it didn’t come.
Then another.
And then finally, I started moving toward the door again.
When I made it there, I gripped the umbrella tight but didn’t allow myself to breathe.
Because when I reached the door, it dawned on me that I had no fucking clue how to open it.
I’d entered the code just hours ago, but the four little numbers that held the key to my freedom were fog in my brain, lost to sleep and fear.
There was a knob, but for some reason I stood staring at it, willing my brain to work. I lifted my fingers to finally open the door.
I dropped my arm back to my side and almost screamed when I heard another bang.
I’d been so focused on the door that I’d forgotten I was trying to escape.
Adrenaline, panic, all of it left me shaky.
“Pull it together, Alex,” I said to myself so quietly my words were barely a breath.
Then, I decided to change course.
I gripped the umbrella tight.
Flight hadn’t worked, so fight it was.
I’d find the intruder, get a jump on them, and, unlike the dumb people on TV, I would keep going until I was sure the intruder was neutralized.
I crept slowly, going the opposite of the way I had come before and grateful for that time exploring all of those damn living rooms.
The kitchen.
That was where the noise was coming from.
I got closer, hoping whoever it was, was facing the refrigerator, knowing that would increase the element of surprise.
They were.