Page 21 of Right on Time
“Utterly preposterous,” Nitiel told the empty corridor outside his cabin.
It was good he had made it to his temporary home without anyone having stopped him for a chat. He had no patience left, which was again not typical of him. Collecting nielas was clearly not the right career path for him, and he was glad the current mission was a one-time thing.
Not that he knew whether his liaison role on Terra was the right job for him. Not being on active duty anymore, having to live planet-side on an alien world, having to work predominantly with Terrans – it remained to be seen how he would handle that. But for now, he didn’t have to worry about any of those things, because there was no leaving the space station for him until Loe and the Commander were united. Which could take who knew how many planetary rotations, now that the Commander was acting unreasonably.
Nitiel’s wings fluttered at the thought of bringing Loe the news. That would not go well. She would get angry, she would claim with renewed fervor that the ASI was faulty, she would argue with Nitiel–
She would look breathtaking. All feisty, flushed and with green eyes blazing. A sight Nitiel would get to enjoy one more time, thanks to the Commander. Now that was one positive thing in this ridiculous situation.
Nitiel entered his cabin, a guest one provided to him upon his arrival at the station weeks ago. It wasn’t big, but he didn’t need much and the shower dome was all his. No communal showers like on the Venus military station he had lived on for nearly two years.
A shower sounded pretty good right now. The cold water never failed to relax Nitiel, and he would need to be back to his normal self for the meeting with Loe. He was eager to see her. Alarmingly eager. But there was no need to rush. She was safe and in good company, and she–
His communication badge pinged. Then pinged some more, as if the person on the other end was incessantly pressing their finger to their own badge.
“Subcommander Nitiel listening.”
“Nitiel, thank the Goddess!”
“Vrixiel?” Why did his friend sound frantic?
“I called as soon as I learned–I wasn’t sure you’d pick up right away–Hurry!”
Nitiel’s wings tensed. “Why?”
“It’s Lady Hloe! She’s under attack!”
“What! Where?”
“In the cleansing chamber! Hurry, you’re closer than me! Cabin 201!”
Nitiel flew out of his cabin and sped down the corridor as fast as the limited space allowed it, both his hearts squeezed in a vise. What on Gaenthia was going on?
Cabin 201 was at the very beginning of the corridor. He executed a rough landing, not wanting to slow down until the last possible moment. Any second could prove fatal. Whoever Loe’s attacker was, the weaponless and clawless female stood no chance against them. Nitiel used his all-access pinkie fingerprint to unlock the door, steadying his breathing in preparation for the upcoming fight. He unsheathed his claws just as the door slid to the side–
Something soft hit his thigh. And bounced right off. Nitiel closed his wings around his lower body just in time to stop a ball of silvery fluff from making contact, then another. Dozens of the balls the size of his fist were bouncing across the empty sleeping chamber, hitting walls and ceiling all around and making bubbly noises.
Nitiel caught one flying toward his face and brought his fisted hand to his eye level. He already suspected what he was dealing with but wanted to make sure. He opened his fingers just a fraction. The ball moved until two shiny blue eyes stared back at Nitiel from amongst the fluff. The sound of boiling water came from within.
“Munchjies,” Nitiel grumbled. How in Gaenthia’s name had the little critters ended up in the cabin, and in such a big number?
He let go of the munchjie before it could switch from threatening sounds to licking. A lick wasn’t fatal but left your skin burning for a while. Nitiel then walked fully into the cabin and closed the door behind him to contain the infestation. He would have to call a cleaning crew to catch the munchjies, but first he had to make sure Loe was alright.
There was no sign of her in here. Had she fled the cabin before his arrival?
“Loe?” he called out, wings lifted for cover as he made his way through the bouncing critters. “Loe, are you in here?”
“Nitiel?” a shaky voice came from the cleansing chamber, the door to which lay fully open.
“Loe!” He rushed inside the tight space, his concern skyrocketing. Munchjies were not dangerous, just unpleasant, but she sounded scared.
He found Loe inside the shower dome to the left of the entrance. The glass door was shut, so she was shielded from the several munchjies bouncing around the small cleansing chamber. She was standing in nothing but a pink towel, hair mussed, hands pressed to the rounded glass. Her beautiful eyes shone with unshed tears.
“Goddess, Loe! Are you hurt? Are you in pain?”
“Nitiel, be careful! Those things burn!”
“Did they burn you?” As he got to the dome under the cover of his wings, he saw the answer on her skin. Angry red lines marred the soft pale skin on her forearms. The same wide lines were visible on both her legs.