Page 29 of Right on Time
“I felt safe before the wall, my lord.” She pinched the bridge of her nose then sighed. “But if this makes you feel safer, no problem.”
“I–I…” Why was he feeling guilty about the partition? This was the right thing to do. “I wish you deep sleep, Lady Loe. Feel free to lower the light in the cabin further with a voice command. The clamshell needs to remain open, however, because of the partition.”
“It can close?”
“Yes, to provide full darkness and sound isolation. It can also serve as a life pod in emergencies.”
“Awesome.” She went to lie on the other side of the bed, the semi-transparent partition distorting her lovely image. “Huh, this gives Hello from the Other Side a whole different meaning… Good night, Nitiel.”
“Good night, Loe.” Her name slipped from his lips and he decided to go with it. Just one final time. From tomorrow there would be proper distance between them in every respect, especially after he took her to her niel.
The reminder burned away his desire as quickly as a flame engulfed a wing feather. Which was for the best. He needed his rest for what tomorrow would bring, which might as well be another disaster. Nitiel laid on his back, closed his wings around himself and let sleep tug him under.
Next time he opened his eyes, it was to the feeling of something soft and ticklish against his chin and something heavy on his bicep. Still sleepy, it took him some time to realize what he was seeing, lying on his left side as he was.
There was no partition to his left anymore; the bed was as flat as usual. What was tickling his chin was Loe’s hair. The heavy thing on his bicep was Loe’s head. And what his right wing was blanketing was not only his body but Loe’s as well. As he stared, she snuggled further into him and continued to snore softly against his chest.
Goddess almighty, help him.
Treasured and Snuggled
Chloe woke up to the feeling of something soft against her cheek and something heavy on her lower back.
“Mmm.” That felt nice, albeit slightly ticklish. She was rested, warm, and comfy, free of the usual aches in the morning from her lumpy mattress. Trixie might be right about the wonders of Gaenthians’ jelly bed.
Chloe stayed with her eyes closed, wishing to postpone the return to reality a bit more. She could lazy around anyway, right? She didn’t have to go to work, or make a piece of jewelry first thing in the morning for one of those clients who needed it ‘immediately, don’t you understand it’s urgent’.
Then the softness against her cheek became too ticklish, and Chloe swatted the offender.
A grunt sounded.
From underneath Chloe.
Her eyes snapped open. Everything came into focus rather quickly, but she kept blinking, unable to comprehend what she was seeing.
She was lying on top of Nitiel. His chest was her pillow and his closed wings, her duvet. She could see her bare foot sticking from under his wings right between Nitiel’s big purple feet. The soft touch on her cheek had come from a feather, and the heaviness on her lower back? That was from Nitiel’s arm keeping her snug against him.
Oh my. So much for the Great Wall of Jelly keeping Nitiel safe from her duvet-hogging. Only that this time she had hogged a guy.
Chloe tentatively raised her gaze. If he was still asleep, she could wiggle away before he had seen what she’d done–
Cobalt-blue eyes met hers.
“Uhhh… Morning?” she whispered.
“You can say it is morning, yes.” His voice was gruff from sleep, upping his tempting rumble.
Heat bloomed in the apex of her thighs. She had to get away from him. Now. Before she did something that would scandalize his delicate Gaenthian sensibilities, like kiss the heck out of him.
Only that when she began wiggling away, Nitiel’s arm around her waist tightened. His other hand caught her hip, keeping it against his thigh. “It’s still early. You can sleep some more.”
“Ummm… I can?... Like this?”
“Are you not comfortable?”