Page 35 of Ruined Wolf
“Shit, the bitch is awake.”
“Won’t matter. She’s not going anywhere, and we’ll be there soon.”
I froze at his words, and he laughed. “Fight all you want, omega bitch. You’re going back where you belong.”
No. He couldn’t mean... No, they couldn’t get me off the island. There was no way they could be taking me back to High Rocks. I felt cold all over, and a familiar fear swept across my body as my father’s face formed in my mind. I began to shake.
It wasn’t much longer before the car slowed, the tyres crunching on gravel. The car stopped abruptly, and the engine cut off, plunging the interior of the car into silence. I could hear the rush of waves against a shore, sending a chill down my spine. We’d reached our destination.
I was now shaking uncontrollably. I knew that wherever these guys had taken me, it wasn’t good. I tried to force myself to think logically and calmly, but it was impossible. All I could think about was my father and High Rocks.
The car door opened near my head, and I blinked as the blanket was dragged away from my face. Night had fallen, so it was completely dark. I must have been drugged for a few hours, since the moon was already high in the sky. A single white floodlight cast bright light into my eyes, and I squinted, trying to see my captor as he leaned over me. The man who dragged me from the car was one of those in the hospital room, the silent one. He grabbed me under my arms and pulled me out, making me gasp in pain.
“Stand up,” he ordered, propping me up. I tried, but my body just wasn’t capable of it, and my knees buckled. He gave a huff of annoyance and picked me up instead, slinging me over his shoulder.
I wriggled, trying to move the jabbing pressure of his shoulder away from the baby.
He smacked my ass hard. “Keep still, or I’ll drag you.”
I stopped moving, afraid he’d do what he promised.
The other man laughed. “That’s one hell of a nice ass she’s got there.”
My face flushed red as I realised I was still in my hospital gown with nothing underneath, baring everything to my captors. The man who held me paused, sliding his hand up under the gown. I felt the prod of his fingers, then a flash of pain as he forced two digits inside me. I must have made some noise, because the other man laughed again. Hatred filled me. I wanted to kill him. My wolf snarled inside me, and I lashed out, twisting and dragging my nails across the guy’s face. He jerked away, pulling his fingers out, and reached up to grab my hand, clamping his fingers tightly around my wrist.
“Fucking bitch.”
“Come on, Dex, we can play with her on the boat. It’ll take a good hour to get to the meeting point on the mainland.”
Dex carried me along a rickety wooden pier, and I felt myself being lowered into a dirty boat that rocked on the choppy waves. I was shoved roughly onto a plastic seat, and Dex and the other guy set about starting the engine and untying the boat from the dock. I watched them closely as I bent down and quickly untied the rope around my ankles. Dex started to turn, and I straightened up, keeping the rope loose around my ankles. He grinned at me, and I could see red marks on his face where I’d scored the skin.
I glanced at the dock, wondering if I could get up and out of the boat and make it to the trees before they caught me. It was a stupid thought. I could barely stand, and these guys were wolf shifters. Even if I made it to the trees, it would only take them seconds to run me down.
Dex could clearly read what I was thinking, because his grin got wider. “Don’t even think about it. You’d never make it. It would be a shame to rip you apart here, but Alpha was quite clear. Bring you home or leave you in pieces. He wasn’t that bothered by which, but the money’s better if we deliver you alive with the baby intact.”
My insides went cold as the boat pulled away from the pier. My father knew about the baby. How could he know? Unless... Ethan. I already knew he was working with my father somehow, despite all pretences that the pack war was still going on. Had he made a deal with Ethan to get me off the island? I couldn’t see any other way High Rocks wolves could sneak on and off the island, as well as being able to walk out of the hospital with me without some kind of inside help.
The boat pulled away, the water getting choppier as we got farther from the mainland. Dex rocked a little on his feet as he walked towards me.
“Now then, about that ass...” He reached for me, and I kicked out at him. He took my feet square in his chest and stumbled backwards.
I jumped to my feet, my head spinning, and launched myself at him. Already off balance, he pitched backwards and off the side of the boat, hitting the water with a splash. I fell against the side but just managed to stop myself from following him into the water.
“You are such a fucking nuisance.”
I looked up just as the other guy grabbed me by the shoulder, and his fist connected with the side of my face with a sharp crack. Pain exploded through my head, and I sank to my knees, retching. I reached for the gag, yanking it down as I heaved. I hadn’t eaten much at the hospital, but what I had came up all over the deck.
“You disgusting bitch,” the guy snarled, staring down at me in disdain.
“Hey, a hand?”
He looked over at his friend, who was bobbing in the water, and then reached down and grabbed my hair, clenching his fingers tightly. “If I go over, so do you,” he warned. He leaned down, grabbing Dex’s hand, and helped him find his footing to climb back into the boat. Dex glared at me and stepped forward.
“Hold her still,” he growled, unbuckling his trousers. His friend dragged me to the deck, and I cried out as hair pulled away from my scalp, my hands flying to his wrist as I tried to loosen his grip.
Dex knelt between my legs, shoving them apart. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll see stars, omega bitch,” he said, bending down to spit on me.
I struggled, trying to push him away with my legs, but he was so fucking strong. I wasn’t giving up. I changed tactics, instead going for the one holding me down. I released his wrist and went for his face, feeling something squish under my fingers. He screamed, letting go of my hair and falling backwards as he grabbed for his face.