Page 60 of The Way We Touch
“You really are glowing. That asshole better watch his back.”
“That’s a switch.” I frown at him, crossing my arms and turning to face him. “I thought he was hot as a ghost pepper, and he was supposed to get the cobwebs off my coochie.”
“That was before. Now you have a look like…”
My chest tightens so fast, I hiccup a breath. “Like?”
“Like that boy’d better be serious. I know at least five men who will hand him his ass if he plays more than football.”
“At least five?”
“I don’t know how invested Thomas is.” He says it loud enough so our old chef can hear him.
Thomas’s reply comes calm and easy. “I’ll bring a shovel.”
Standing in the foyer at the bottom of the stairs waiting, I haven’t felt this way since I was in high school waiting on my prom date. My palms are sweaty, my collar is too tight, and I keep expecting Allie or Zane to step out with a camera.
Okay, not Zane. All of Dylan’s brothers have given me a version of the “hurt her and die” speech. I expected it from them. I did not expect it from Craig, who I think might be the most dangerous one of all.
I can actually imagine Craig sneaking up on me in a dark alley with a knife. He’d shank me and wouldn’t even look back, and old Thomas said something about bringing a shovel. I think they’re in cahoots.
“Hey, sorry I took a little longer than I expected.” Her voice is soft, and as she skips down the stairs, I have to reach out to hold the rail for support.
She’s so fucking gorgeous. Her long hair flows in smooth waves down her back and over her shoulders. Her lips are glossy pink, and her full lashes are lowered over her eyes.
She’s wearing a dress as requested, but it’s not just any dress. It’s red with a zipper that runs all the way up the front, filling my head with images of unzipping her, and she’s pulled a light denim jacket over it.
Her shapely legs end in high-heeled, strappy black sandals with laces wrapped around her ankles, and those red toenails again…
“Damn, girl. You really are dangerous.”
She stops on the bottom step, putting her face almost level with mine. Her nose wrinkles with her smile, and she shakes her head. “I’m not so dangerous.”
Her hand is on my shoulder, and I put both my hands on her waist, unsure what to make of these feelings she stirs in my chest.
“Yeah, you’re dangerous.” Leaning closer, I slide my nose along the side of her hair, speaking low in her ear. “To my mouth and my heart.”
She shivers, and a shuffle on the landing above draws our attention. “Drive safe, kids. Don’t stay out too late, and don’t get into trouble.”
We move apart, and her expression brightens at the sight of Zane leaning heavily on the railing at the top of the stairs.
Lifting her chin, she teases, “Don’t worry, Dad.”
He’s coming out a bit more, which I know is a relief to all his siblings. He was even at the restaurant last night for a little while, until more people started approaching his table wishing him well, and he said goodnight. I’ve learned he doesn’t like to be fussed over.
I don’t blame him.
“Thanks for loaning me your Jeep,” I call up to him. “Sure you don’t need it?”
“Nah, I’ve got an early day tomorrow, heading over to Miss Gina’s. I know it’s more fun to drive than Garrett’s big rig.”
“You’re going to Miss Gina’s tomorrow?” Dylan’s voice rises excitedly.
“Yeah, so don’t bring it back empty.”