Page 68 of The Way We Touch
“You don’t work for me.”
“Wouldn’t that be interesting.” He winks, reaching down to lift my hand. “I got you something.” He takes a delicate, woven-leather bracelet from his pocket and slides it on my wrist. It has dark-blue glass beads threaded in the strands, which he pulls to tighten it. “Kimmie and I were walking along the bay, and a girl was selling them.”
I turn my hand side to side. “I love it!”
“I’ll get you something nicer, but I couldn’t resist. Look.” He turns my hand so I can read the word Mine stamped on the side.
My nose wrinkles, and I slide my finger over it. I love it so much, it might as well be made of twenty-four-karat gold. Reaching forward, I slide my arms around his waist, pulling us together.
“Logan,” I sigh heavily. “I’m afraid we’re moving too fast.”
His hands are on my back, one at my waist and the other sliding higher until his fingers thread in the back of my hair.
He presses a kiss against the top of my head, and my eyes close as he takes a long inhale. “We might be, but I’ve never felt more sure of anything in my life. Besides football.”
Leaning back, I look up at him. “Maybe we should just keep in touch and not call it dating. That way nobody gets hurt.”
A half smile lifts the side of his mouth. “Is that possible for you? I’d be pretty pissed if some golfer came along and stole you away from me while I was gone.”
Exhaling a frustrated growl, I press my head against his chest. “Nobody’s going to steal me away from you.”
“We’ll just call it dating then. To keep things straight.”
My eyes close, and my head is still against his chest. “I’m afraid. What if you get hurt?”
His large hand slides over the back of my neck again, and he kisses my head once more. “Your brother would never let that happen.”
Miss Gina sits on the black, wrought-iron bench in the middle of her sweet olive bushes. She’s in a straw hat, and she has a pink shawl around her narrow shoulders. Kimmie runs back and forth behind her, trying to catch an orange kitten, who’s hiding under the outdoor patio.
“Come on, kitty-kitty, I have a treat!” My niece rubs her little fingers together as if she has something in them. She doesn’t.
“I’ve found that if I sit very still, eventually, she’ll come out and attack my shawl. Try that.” Miss Gina calls to her before turning to me. “Your brother has done so much around here since he started, I’m almost glad Steven retired. I’m not sure he was doing anything!”
Her blind eyes narrow with her laugh, and she stands slowly, reaching for me. I take her hand, leading her to where Logan stands beside Zane, holding the side of a pergola while my brother finishes attaching the roof.
Climbing down slowly, he slaps Logan’s back. “Thanks for stopping by to help me with this. It’s really more of a two-person job.”
“No problem.” Logan takes the hammer while Zane packs up the rest of the tools.
The wooden structure stands at the back corner of the patio over a slightly raised platform, and Miss Gina slides her hand up the smooth wooden posts. “Rachel is going to love this. She can set up her massage table here and take clients. Wouldn’t a flowering vine be nice wrapping around these columns, Zane? What do you think? Maybe a Bougainvillea or a Sweet Pea?”
“Sure.” My brother nods, squinting up at her. “Whatever you want.”
“Is that the friend of your niece?” I’m so excited. “When do you expect her?”
“Not until the fall, but she’s going to love all the new additions.” The old lady’s eyebrow arches, and I glance over to see my brother’s back is turned.
He motions to Logan, who helps him carry the tools to the small shed behind the house.
“I’m really glad it’s working out. Zane had me worried.”
The old woman nods, pressing her lips together. “He’s still carrying some baggage, but he’s a hard worker. Like you!”
“Help me, Lightning McQueen!” Kimmie yells from where she’s on her hands and knees at the side of the patio. “The kitty is right there!”
“He’s lovely.” Miss Gina slips her hand into the crook of my arm. “He sounds very handsome.”
“I don’t know how someone can sound handsome.” I tease her.